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New project: The MAC Attacks!



  • Tower speaker swagger in half the size.

  • I measure at 1 meter and as loud as the tweeter can handle. In this project (because we call them BeastModes) that was really loud at 95 dB at 1kHz. Note: this is only one speaker playing and it is WAY louder than I would ever listen to music at. Add a second speaker and the overall distortion drops dramatically.

  • I think a symmetrical radiation pattern is something worth pursuing.

  • Initial LR4 @ 1800 Hz crossover is designed. Fantastic phase tracking and the impeadance curve is quite benign. Need to check but I think I have all the parts on hand to build the prototype XO's and starting voicing these. There are a couple values I can tweek to address the small amount of off axis peaking around 2k. Otherwise based on my experience these should have a very nice tonal balance. The 3" ports don't chuff at all when pushed. Measured distortion of the individual drivers looks good. Not Purify good but certainly as good as any RS series driver I've measured.

  • Just checked... I only need to unwind some inductors then I will have all of the parts needed to build and voice these xos. I love not needing to place a small order (or large order) to finish up a cool project. These should be demo'd in Iowa this fall.

  • Are you wiring those MAC-6's in series?

  • The MAC-06 are 8 ohm, the rest are 4 ohm.

    I have a signature.
  • Thanks, JR - I misremembered all the MAC drivers being 4 ohm . . .

  • Made that mistake myself, not long ago.

  • Yes, these MAC-06 drivers are 8 ohm. So my MTM pair are wired in parallel. With my current xo design they barely touch a 4 ohm minimum in one spot and the phase is zero degrees at that spot. Otherwise they look more like an 8 ohm speaker.

  • Also, my shoulder makes block sanding difficult.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    Also, my shoulder makes block sanding difficult.

    We need to start calling you ‘wingman’

  • Oops wrong thread.

    I have a signature.
  • Simulated impedance curve:

  • Crossovers are going to be built tomorrow morning while the rest of the house is still asleep. Forecast is for on and off rain tomorrow so I might get to do a little listening/voicing.

  • Looks good , so right around 45 hz FS ?

  • Yes, target tuning was 45 Hz. Measurements look closer to 43ish... which is perfectly acceptable in my world.

  • lol even better

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