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Killer Queen Build



  • Wish you and Dan could attend DIY Iowa. I get it though, it's gotta be a 10 hour drive for you guys!

  • Sounds about right, 2.5 to them NE of me, and I'm 8.5 hours to Grinnell, let alone Ankeny.

  • The speed limit has gone up since you last went to Grinnell (13 years ago?)

  • I didn't know that, 14 years now.
    Still 9 hrs avoiding tolls from Detroit to Ankeny, about 600 miles. I imagine gaining an hour also happens getting there.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    Wish you and Dan could attend DIY Iowa. I get it though, it's gotta be a 10 hour drive for you guys!

    About 8 with no traffic. I’d love to make it out sometime but with the 3 little ones at home and no family close by it’s difficult.

  • @NavyGuy said:

    About 8 with no traffic. I’d love to make it out sometime but with the 3 little ones at home and no family close by it’s difficult.

    Why I generally fly in, plus I don't have little ones at home. Enjoy being a dad, this other shit is really secondary.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    ...this other shit is really secondary.


  • So after listening with a crossover that was working correctly, I added a touch more padding on the mid and tweeter. It sounded a lot better after being fixed but was still a bit bright to me. Came out to around 1.5 dB reduction in the mid and tweeter over the original design and I think I have it where I want it. Here is the in-room response at the listening position.

  • JR is 100% right. Enjoy every moment you can with them. They grow up way too fast. My 12 year old son is already taller than my wife and is wearing the same shoe size as me! I'm only 5'10". He might hit 6'+ (has a tall grampa and great grampa). Luckily he still loves fishing with me, going to and watching NASCAR racing on TV, and watching our favorite NFL teams. He's not interested in working on cars right now... but that might change when he gets his learners permit.

  • Sorry to side track your speaker thread. Your FR looks a bit hot to me in the 5-8 kHz area. Not knowing the off axis FR I could be totally wrong though.

  • @NavyGuy said:
    So after listening with a crossover that was working correctly, I added a touch more padding on the mid and tweeter. It sounded a lot better after being fixed but was still a bit bright to me. Came out to around 1.5 dB reduction in the mid and tweeter over the original design and I think I have it where I want it. Here is the in-room response at the listening position.

    What kind of measurement is this? Would this be a "moving mic" type RTA average at the listening position?

  • @4thtry said:

    What kind of measurement is this? Would this be a "moving mic" type RTA average at the listening position?

    This is just a sine sweep that has 1/3 octave smoothing applied.

  • edited October 2024

    @PWRRYD said:
    Sorry to side track your speaker thread. Your FR looks a bit hot to me in the 5-8 kHz area. Not knowing the off axis FR I could be totally wrong though.

    Yeah, this was kind of a tradeoff I made based on the bit of a wonky response from the compression driver. It's a broad region that I couldn't target well with a notch and the tweeter already had two of those. The dip in the midrange between 1.5-2.5 kHz ish, gets larger if I bring the tweeter level down and that was more audible and annoying to me.

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