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8" 2-way project

I'm pairing the Peerless 830869 with the BeastMode in the Visaton 148R waveguide. I understand the WG doesn't have pattern control below 2.5K, but I'm trying it more to see if it helps with edge diffraction. A bonus might be slightly lower THD in it's lower regions. I made some test baffles to plop on some existing cabinets. The drivers play well together and I'm pleased with the blend. But the box (~.6 cubic feet) is too small for that woofer. It sounds lean - like someone put a dip in the upper bass with a parametric EQ. I cut all the panels to build some 1 cubic foot boxes this past weekend. I still need to decide where to put bracing, but I'm stuck on what to do about the ports.

Question: 3" is too long for the box. 2" will more than likely make some chuffing noise. Craig said he used 2.5" ports about 8 inches long. Menards wants $40 for a 10' section, which seems ridiculous to me. I do have a bunch of 1.5" flared port tubes.

I think 2 of these is around 24 m/s at 25W below ~30Hz. Box would be tuned to ~40Hz. SPL would be over 100dB at that level, so would it even be an issue?

Drivers in old box -



  • Model at your listening levels, see how things look.

    I have a signature.
  • Can't find the SPL meter I bought earlier this year. Might have wandered off in the boy's truck. Not sure what my usual listening level even is these days, but I do know it's far less than the front row at Ankeny. Now that I'm home, I checked what things look like at 10w. Looks like I should be fine with the 2 x 1.5" ports.

  • edited 12:53AM

    You say .6cf but then model 1cf? Not trying to be snarky. I tried modeling it myself and was confused for a bit when my results were way off from yours.

    If you want more upper bass punch then tune it higher.

    Seems Mike Choua wasn't impressed in a larger enclosure. Suggesting only slightly larger .7cf tuned 45hz

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