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Hey guys, 

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I wanted to give you all an update on what is going on.

MCM Electronics is merging with Newark Electronics (Our sister company). We will all fall under the Newark name, and only a handful of our products will be picked up by Newark.

Unfortunately, due to the merger and duplication of jobs, many of the MCM employees, including myself, will be laid off.

I appreciate the support of you guys and your willingness to accept me into the community.

If you ever need to get in touch with me for whatever reason, please reach out to

Best Regards,

Geoff Schneider


  • Bummer, sorry to hear about this unfortunate event Geoff. Best wishes in your future endeavors. 
  • That's total crap'ola, so all the speaker junk is history? Sorry to hear that your jobby is gone, boo!
  • Good luck Geoff! The door is always open here.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Oh man that SUCKS!  Maybe you can work at that other company just down the road...
  • I've considered it. 

    Just not sure which direction I want to go now.

    I've been heavily involved with 3D printing recently and would love to find a career doing just that.
  • 6thplanet said:
    That's total crap'ola, so all the speaker junk is history? Sorry to hear that your jobby is gone, boo!
    Newark should still carry the speaker for a bit, but I don't imagine they will be making any new updates.

  • Well now this just absolutely blows! The job more than the speakers. Sorry Geoff!
  • This is not good news. Sorry to hear it. Good luck on a soft landing.
  • Can anyone carry these speakers?

    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Sad to hear.  Best of luck with your future endeavors.
  • Ouch. Best wishes for the future.
  • Guys like Geoff with skills always land on their feet... and usually end up in a better situation.
  • kennyk said:
    Can anyone carry these speakers?

    I asked Geoff a similar question. Looks like for now they will carry the newer stuff like the KB series, SO, etc for now. Those are exclusive to MCM so no one else will be carrying them at least for now.
  • Sad news. To be honest though, I have tried and failed numerous times the last three days to put together an order on the MCM website - most of the time the site was down when I went to open it, the other times it glitched out, timed out, or went down during use. This has occurred quite often over the last two years. Maybe Newark web managers can address that. 

    Good luck Geoff. I have been there many times myself, curse of manufacturing dependency - and I imagine retail is no different.
    I have a signature.
  • Geoff you were the first one I thought of when I heard this sad news, but as others have said you will land on your feet and be better off, you got some great experience that you can build off of.  

    If if you ever need anything you have my number, as an employer of an engineering and manufacturing firm I'd be happy to give you a glowing reference as well.

  • JavadS said:
    Geoff you were the first one I thought of when I heard this sad news, but as others have said you will land on your feet and be better off, you got some great experience that you can build off of.  

    If if you ever need anything you have my number, as an employer of an engineering and manufacturing firm I'd be happy to give you a glowing reference as well.

    Thanks Javad, that means a lot!

    I have had a few interviews, and I'm waiting to see what happens, but I feel like most people here will like what I seem to have in store ;)
  • Ge_off_me said:
    Thanks Javad, that means a lot!

    I have had a few interviews, and I'm waiting to see what happens, but I feel like most people here will like what I seem to have in store ;)
    Indeed! Good luck young Jedi!
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