C'mon guys. We need a little more eye candy in this forum, and I'm sure some of you have DIY Iowa projects in progress or on the drawing board. So let's go.
I'll kick off with this modest offering. Target trash can boxes:
https://www.target.com/p/wastebasket-medium-acacia-natural-threshold-153/-/A-50352850#lnk=sametab TB W4-1320SIF close-outs under a Dayton ND25FA-4. 2 1-1/8" ports out the back. I faked in the open top with cheap-ass pine ply and a couple different stains. The match is much better than the photo would indicate. They are complete but for a bit of cosmetic clean-up. I am really loving these as a bookshelf speaker in my office. Let's call them the Bamboozlers, even though Target claims they're acacia.

I had 2 issues during the build but otherwise these went together fast. First, I was tough to get adhesives to stick to these boxes. Also, there was a 1/16" difference in length and width between the two. That's huge when you start out assuming they're equal. Oops.
Okay, go...
I built a factory this summer, and we had an open house/grand opening party in the parking lot today. Nepali folk ensemble - absolutely awesome.
ALL of my time since April has been consumed with these two things. I will be building speaks soon - the truck is going in for a major engine job very soon so will have time and space again.
Ani, this is the Synergy horn I'm building as my last hurrah for the PE design team. The 2 holes with black behind them on the bottom are two DCS165 woofers.
The top are two PVC ports. The single hole near the tweeter is a GRS 4" mid and then there's the XT25 tweeter. The rectangular throat improves the tweeter response at 10k over a round blended transition to the tweeter.
The pink holes are bondo repairs/ mistakes. I've got a thread on tech talk, but it's easier to voice frustrations here.