I will be bringing these to Meniscus this weekend. No finish on them but listenable. Enclosures are 1/2" With a 3/4" baffle. 10.5h 6w 8.25d for 5L. 1"x4" ports result in a 70hz fb and 60hz f3. I added a layer of c

arpet padding and a wad of loose fill.
Crossover is straight forward resulting in 3rd and 5th order acoustic slopes and s 4.2k crossover point. Using what I had on hand and npe caps, there is maybe $15 in them.
The freq response was taken at 1m on the tweeter axis and at 90db. This is louder than they will probably ever be used, but I also wanted to see how much distortion and compression there was. Overall 3rd order stayed below 2nd and about 35db down iirc from the reference. Of course, not accurate below 200hz. Not bad for $45 for drivers.