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Iowa Road Trip FL-IA

edited October 2017 in Announcements
I'll be driving from Crestview, FL to Grinnell, IA and @Bryan@MAC told me I should make a post to see if anyone wanted to tag along and carpool the way up and the way back. If you live anywhere near any of the cities that I *might* be stopping through, let me know and I can come pick you up, and drop you back off on my way back through.

Don't be worried, I've personally met the majority of the people that will be attending (I attended back in 2014) and I have a good driving record, a reliable vehicle (new alternator, new battery and run flat tires). Also I have a very good driving record, I have 10+ years professional driving experience and I've had as much or more training than most cops.

Here's the kicker -- there's only one working speaker in the car :0

Finally, here's my route(s):

PS - By carpool, I mean help with gas, too. (cash, grass or-- well, no thank you.)

deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)


  • That is a nice road trip... Take your time and drive safe.... 

    Except for @kennyk (God of micro speakers) flying with speakers usually doesn't work out!
  • Yay....glad you're going to join us again!  Hopefully you can pickup some company along the way.  16 hours is over twice my limit for driving solo anywhere.  Be safe and looking forward to seeing you again.   :)
    My signature goes here
  • Bryan@MAC said:
    16 hours is over twice my limit for driving solo anywhere.
    Then it's time to give up your man card Sissy!

  • PWRRYD said:
    Then it's time to give up your man card Sissy!

    It's fine....I have (many) duplicates.
    My signature goes here
  • Man, wish I had time. Looks like you are coming through my area when you pass by STL.
  • It's a great drive through St. Charles and up hwy 61.  Mark Twain Brewing in Hannibal is one of our favorite stops.  Their King Arthur imperial IPA is very good. 
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Outstanding!  Looking forward to seeing you there!
  • Have a safe trip.  1048 miles has to be a driving record for Grinnell.  I remember Mike Jennings saying that he drove about 700 miles to Grinnell.
  • I'm no stranger to driving 1k miles. I've driven to Baltimore a few times to visit my bestie and that's like 18 hours start to finish. I'll be working till midnight Thursday night / Friday morning so I'll probably take off after work and take a nap at a rest stop if I get sleepy.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • I remember me and a friend driving back from chicago after 2 days of riding motocross and partying and getting home at 2:00 in the morning.
     Heavy drinking and hungover motocross racing is a great combo lol.
  • Yup, got here safe and sound.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Thanks for driving that mad distance Channing, it was great to meet you and hang out. Loved your music/video selections in the party toom! Man, DIY audio has the best people.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Oh yeah np! I had a good time and yeah I listen to a lot of weird shit haha
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
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