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Mr. Schmidt's - a Nick/JR collaboration

Nick will, I am sure, chime in with more information on his thought process putting the drivers together and his plans on finishing and how both aspects gave rise to the name.

Here is the unfinished cabinet:

Using this woofer:

And this tweeter:

Here are the in-box measurements (small cabinets are a pain):

Here are impedance profiles of both speakers overlaid (good consistency):

Here is the measured on-axis and reverse null:

Here are horizontals (I bet you can figure out why I left that broad "BBC Dip" in there):

Here is the crossover (note reverse polarity):

Picture of finished crossovers (I found black hot glue - yay me!):

Brief summary: the bass from the Eton is pretty legitimate, the tweeter has a very nice, sparkly sound - at first I thought it might prove to be fatiguing, but on certain test tracks I use for ssssssibilance torture they did just fine. Overall, they perform very well for a small bookshelf.

I have a signature.


  • Which tweeter is that?
  • LPG I can't remember the model number. IIRC, they were used in some Totem models. I get the name, being a German theme here...
  • kein swastika, ja?
  • @JR - back to your roots indeed!
    Cheap, no name drivers beaten into submission for the sake of the music.
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • edited March 2018
    Oh can't wait to see what you come up with!  I'm a bit partial to the Junkers JU 87 myself, but North American Aviation's P51 (all 8 versions) is my all time favorite.
  • Back in my car audio days I used to rock a set of JL XR components and I’m pretty sure the aluminum tweeter was sourced from LPG. I always really enjoyed that tweeter. Looks like it should make for a nice sounding combo.
  • The name was a play on the Messerschmidt BF109 WWII fighter plane. The color scheme will be similar to the plane in the picture below.
    Related image
    Grandpa blew one out of the sky. Got the red star for it too.
  • PWRRYD said:
    Oh can't wait to see what you come up with!  I'm a bit partial to the Junkers JU 87 myself, but North American Aviation's P51 (all 8 versions) is my all time favorite.

    Last year at MWAF we spent an extra day the Air Force Museum in Dayton.  Lot's of old and new aircraft, including several P51 variants. I was able to show my wife all the McDonnell Douglas aircraft and missiles I had been around and worked with (not the Stealth bomber however).
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Don- I would not think these are cheap no-name drivers. That tweeter was about $50 in its day, and the woofer is of course more expensive than that.
  • I think Don may have thought he was commenting on another thread.

    Yeah, 20 years ago this would have been a pretty high end build. 
    I have a signature.
  • edited March 2018
    Cool , was he an ace? or did he get it with his mosin ?
    Hahaha. No.
    One of these.

    He went through Winter War and Great War. Started a Sgt. and finished, Lieutenant.

    We could have a friendly speaker shootout, :)
  • I dont believe Ive seen such a machine , the barrels look like they could be cooled with a fluid of some sort? I wonder what those hoses at the end of the barrels run to ?
     " No ear plugs comarades , this is for the mother land" . Good lord ,could you imagine the racket ?
    4 of these

  • Krylon Sun Yellow Gloss, please.
  • Which flavor of yellow though? Hmmm

    I know it wasn't the intent here, but I've seen that question literally start wars on modelling forums before ...

    That said, left can as base coat then a *very* brief light misting of the right can should do the trick.  ... or ... Depending on how far into "challenge accepted" territory you want to go it is possible to spray really fast with both at the same time so the colors will mix on the surface they are applied to ( assuming they are both acrylic or both enamel; acrylic + enamel gets messy real fast ).

  • Definitely between the two if this image is color accurate at all.

    I have a signature.
  • The one on the left is actually fairly close over the old bench wood. 
    I have a signature.

    Here ya go. Halfway down page 2. The yellow is RLM 04. If you scroll all the way down to page 9 the shade of yellow in the diagram looks to be closest to your krylon can.
  • Agreed , and back to the old name of "Mr.Schmitt" , here check this out

    I'm so stealing this pic to use as a reference for a diorama.
  • edited April 2018
    Did a quick google for RLM 04 and the Krylon looks close enough to call good.

  • Regular masking tape and NOT blue painters tape. I botched my MTM really badly with blue painters tape.  It bled right under the tape and messed up the clean lines i spent atleast an hour taping up perfectly. 
  • Yes, what Mike said.  Blue painters tape is great for brushed on or rolled on latex wall paint.  It sucks for anything sprayed on that is not water based.  Just my experience.
  • So masking tape, blue tape, or frog tape? My Dad swears by the frog tape. Anyone use that?
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • I use frog tape, it works great on smooth surfaces.  With blue tape I always seal the edge with the covered paint color. I have also sealed the edge with the clear latex caulk but you need to wipe it off with tha damp cloth.  If it's not thin enough you can lift the paint.

    On the synergy horn I got a bit of bleed through with the the Frog tape but was able to clean it up with an artist brush.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • I used green and blue both ruined my finish. Ill show you at indy! 
  • This is the first time i've liked anything yellow!
  • edited June 2018
    There's an old painters trick where they brush an acrylic seal over the edge of the tape and surface to be painted.  Let it dry for an hour or so then paint as planned.  When you peel the tape it comes out perfectly!  No paint creep under the edge as its been completely sealed.
  • what's an acrylic seal? Any specific brand?
  • Marty is like a blister, he shows up AFTER the work is done  :p
  • Oh snap!
  • Nice looking Nick.
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