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InDIYana 2019 dates are official!

April 26/27. Please let me know if you are coming. No adult beverages allowed this year. Please see event website link in my sig for further information, or ask me in this thread.


  • I am planning to make it there. No sure on what projects to bring - no competition entry for me this time, just show and tell.
  • Yep! I'll be there! Just wish I could bring more than 2 pair! :-D
  • I'll be there with a theme entry and a big grin on my face.

  • Wolf,

    Count me in.  
    While I have a new mid-tw section in my OB Navies (coaxials- year late, ha), thinking the bare min challenge may be the way to go, so put me in for a spot at this point.

  • Flight and room booked, so yes - JR will be there this year. 

    Does Ft. Wayne have Lyft or Uber?
    I have a signature.
  • Never mind, they do. So no need to beg a ride from anyone else. Long walk from FWA to the Hampton.

    Good news - the company I recently "retired" from manufactures the eggs for Hampton, along with a few other breakfast items. 
    I have a signature.
  • Also, put me down tentative for a project, I can ship fairly cheap thru wife's work. 
    I have a signature.
  • DanP said:
    I'll be there with a theme entry and a big grin on my face.


    Hmm, does that mean you are using the Peerless tweeter?
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Planning to be there with two projects. One of which I just cut the wood for yesterday, so I shouldn't be crunched for time come March.
  • The project I have in mind is meant to tick a few boxes on your proposed themes, Ben. 

    Out of curiosity, had this gone a different way, on the high Qts would you have expected advertised or measured Qts?

    I may be shipping one way for this, meaning whatever I send will stay in Indy ala my black box.
    I have a signature.
  • jhollander said: bui

    Hmm, does that mean you are using the Peerless tweeter?
    That's the plan, though I reserve the right to swap it out if it doesn't play nice with the woofer I chose, which is pretty set in stone.

  • I will probably be there but probably won't have an entry
  • I have you on the list, Kerry. Figured if Dan was coming so would you. No entry, got it!
  • I am planning on being there with the TL's!  No competition entry for me.  
  • Ben, are there any theme slots still open?  If so, please add me to the list.

    Thanks, Ed
  • I haven't even counted the numbers yet, but I feel we can accommodate you.

    I'll add ya...

  • I'll likely be shipping in a heavily modded pair of Monoprice shit-boxes. 
    I have a signature.
  • I have you down for a pair, JR.
  • Hi Ben, my name shows no entry, could you kindly put me down for one Non Theme pair?

  • Sure! I don't know what you don't tell me. :)
  • Hi Ben.  Put me down too.  One pair (non theme).
  • Just watching fellow DIYers line up for this makes me grin. I so wish I could attend. 
    My signature goes here
  • Craig- I had you on the list, now I know you are bringing speakers!
  • I am planning to attend. I'm really hoping to have my nephew's speakers done by then and bring them along, but with work going as it is, that is now a stretch goal. I had also hoped to bring competition entries. It is now looking like that is out of the question.  I'll let you know if that changes.
  • Looks like I will be able to make it if theirs still room. I dont plan on bringing an entry.
  • I'll mark you down, Ken!
  • Hello there,

    I would like to attend the InDIYana Audio get together and bring an entry for the minimalist theme speaker show and tell.

    My name is David Eisan and I will be driving in from London, Canada.

    Let me know if there are still space for entries.

    Thank you,

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