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Meniscus - Grand Rapids Get Together

I know it's short notice but Mark and boys are hosting another Grand Rapids get together.  Here are the details.

When and Where: Friday and Saturday - Sept 16/17
Friday from 5pm at the Meniscus HQ - informal listening and some equipment shootouts
Saturday 9am-5pm at the Grand Rapids Holiday Inn Express - 6569 Clay Avenue SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49548 - (616) 871-9700

There are a very limited number of group rate hotel rooms available. Mention "Meniscus Audio DIY" for a $109.99/day rate. You must call for the discount (no discount online reservations).

The event is posted on their Facebook page.  Check it out here and like the page if you have not already done so.  Meniscus always supports the various DIY shows throughout the year.

If you're close by this weekend, pop in and bring a speaker system with you.  Again, sorry for the short notice.

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  • Hi Bryan, would you be uploading the two 5mins clips? I would be getting a mini DSP system, if I manage to get it to make some noise
  •  Wish I could be there. Damn work getting in the way! Hope everyone has a great time
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • ani_101 said:
    Hi Bryan, would you be uploading the two 5mins clips? I would be getting a mini DSP system, if I manage to get it to make some noise

    Sorry Ani. Not enough time to upload the demo. I've not even completed it yet. Good luck on the MiniDSP. Are you driving down for the get together??  That has to be a long haul. 

    My signature goes here
  • yes, driving down - download is not required, as long as we can get a line in to the mini dsp.

    this is a minidsp 2x4 kit with hopefully a sure 4x100 amp (still need to configure the amp, right now just test one speaker with a stero amp)
  • Super excited to get there tomorrow. Can't wait too see ya fella's.
  • Please post pictures.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Yeah. I will take some pics and post an archive page next week. 
    My signature goes here
  • Finally taking shape.... this is my first mini dsp go, so a lot can be off....!
  • So... who is there today?
  • I was there with the Victors. Sound good to most people, I'm just not happy over all with the scan disco mid. Too laid back vs the sb woofer and Peerless tweeter 
  • I had the mini DSP two way, posted above. Planning to finish it and get it to Iowa.
  • I just received the picture disc from Bill S.  I should have the archive page up by Sunday.  For now, there are several pics and a few videos posted on the Meniscus Facebook page if you'd like to check out the event.  It was a good time as always.

    If you haven't "liked" the Meniscus FB page yet, do it!  Doooooo it!!  
    My signature goes here
  • ani_101 said:
    Finally taking shape.... this is my first mini dsp go, so a lot can be off....!

    Ani, I thought these sounded really good, especially considering the cost of the drivers.  Turns out I have a pair of the  Too bad I haven't built anything in almost two years.
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  • MAC archive page of the Meniscus event is up:
    My signature goes here
  • Bryan@MAC said:
    Too bad I haven't built anything in almost two years.

    BK: DIY is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn you never forget.
  • S7910 said:
    BK: DIY is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn you never forget.
    I hear ya man.  It's a little more complicated at the moment though.  We can talk in Grinnell.
    My signature goes here
  • Thanks for putting up the archive. Great photos as always, Bill.
  • ani_101 said:
    Thanks for putting up the archive. Great photos as always, Bill.

    Thanks, Ani.  I took all pictures without flash.  The lighting in this room was excellent.

    Bill S.

  • edited October 2016
    4thtry said:
    ani_101 said:
    Thanks for putting up the archive. Great photos as always, Bill.

    Thanks, Ani.  I took all pictures without flash.  The lighting in this room was excellent.

    Bill S.

    Sometimes you get lucky.  It was great weather and the conference room had sheer white curtains over the windows, so the light was filtered perfectly for Bill to work his magic without a flash.  Iowa could be similar....  We do know Bill can produce exceptional pics in any condition.  
    My signature goes here
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