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Well-recorded, quality popular music albums



  • Gaaaahhhhhh!!! :s

  • edited February 2023

    ^ I might have been a bit harsh - the 1st track just sounded like noise to me - this is just an example of age and what we experienced as we grew up as being cool or influential.

    My brother, 15 years my junior just absolutely had to go see "Corn" "Jackyl" in concert when he was 15 and I took him - it was an experience because the lead instrument player used a chainsaw; carburetor-air/fuel-mix well tuned for the "songs" chosen and proceeded to cut several wooden stools into pieces during the "solos" while we all choked upon 2 cycle exhaust fumes in front of the stage. (I noted how dull the saw-chain was as insufficient chips flew to satisfy my technical criticism of the "performance".

  • A chainsaw? You sure it wasn't Jackyl you seen?😆

  • @6thplanet said:
    A chainsaw? You sure it wasn't Jackyl you seen?😆

    That would be my guess as well.

  • edited February 2023

    @jr@mac said:

    That certainly falls into the category of music to play to create more space around the bonfire, along with Talking Heads and the B-52's. The crowd who was only there to drink beer and listen to their 3 Skynyrd knock-off bands always gave it plenty of distance. And hey, going back 30+ years doesn't seem like much of a reach after you crest 60. ;)

  • The album is worth a deep listen for fans of punk and country.

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  • @ugly_woofer said:

    That would be my guess as well.

    I thought he was being snarky about the guitar noise, but otherwise I also concur.

  • The first track is a little noisy - but it quickly evolves into some interesting blend of country and punk. The songwriting is top-notch, as evidenced when Nirvana covered several tracks during their unplugged session.

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  • This type of thread is a good way to find artists I may have missed. There's one on AK that started last year and it's still going -

  • Yup - I misremembered the bands name - it was in fact, Jackyl.

  • I can't believe there are no fans here of Faith +1, Moop, or Finger Bang.

  • @ugly_woofer said:
    I can't believe there are no fans here of Faith +1, Moop, or Finger Bang.

    Not heard of any of these.

  • Most of my stuff would not make this threads popular category title...

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • @ugly_woofer said:
    I can't believe there are no fans here of Faith +1, Moop, or Finger Bang.


    I have a signature.
  • edited February 2023

    I'm sure I'm a bit of a youngin here (38) but I'm surprised I haven't been digging my heels more at my age when it comes to new music. I've never been one to to stick to a specific genre. I'm always finding new stuff so my tastes are all over the place.

    As far as "popular" type stuff goes. I think Sublime had some pretty decent recordings. Not spectacular, but far from Californication..

    Some of my current go-tos (at this moment) for SQ have been Chris Jones - Roadhouses and Automobiles, and Hooverphonic - With Orchestra Live.

    Other fun/goofy stuff:

  • edited February 2023


    1st vid ^ What in the hollee FK is that instrument he is playing?

    2nd vid - nice use for a recycled Webber Cooker grill.

    Interesting links none-the-less - thanks for posting.

  • I'm 60+ and cringe at classic rock. There's lots of good new music, finding it can be a issue.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • It's called a hurdy gurdy, and while I'd heard of one I'd never seen one played.
    I enjoyed both of those! Thanks!

  • edited February 2023

    Hurdy gurdy man -->

    In my youth this song never made a bit of sense but now it is all so clear!


  • edited February 2023

    Hurdy gurdy man lyrics give me a.. erm "shower epiphany" vibe. Just me?

    You guys being too nice, so I'll ruin it with a few more, then I'll stop... I promise ;)

    Just recently learned the vocalist above: Kala Rose, is in a local band (Saving Escape) that plays around the Cincy area. But tonsillitis surgery has that voice on ice for the moment. She's been at this for a while

    Then I really go off in the deep end.. Click at your peril. (you know you wana though)

    Jinjer - Pisces .. It blows your mind and puts it back together again over and over. Beautiful and repulsive. You aren't ready for it. Noone is ready for it their first time. It don't sound too bad either.

    Igorrr - Spirituality and Distortion (album) .. Wonderful heavy noise, with.. eccentricities.

  • That's an interesting instrument. I thought it sounded string like but the keyboard threw me.


  • Those O'Keefe Music Foundation videos are great.
    Not a fan of the Country roads cover.
    Jinjer was pushed hard by the algorithm some time ago, fun stuff.
    Igorrr was a good surprise.

    I first saw Descartes a Kant live several years ago, that was a treat. Gore warning.

    Recently found this.

  • Yeah, jinjer was pushed on youtube. Thing is, she is not that great imo.

  • Killer alt country here.

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  • edited February 2023

    Music is an extension of the human mood/mindset at a level close to its resonant frequency at the right time.

    There isn't really any bad music.

    As I had mentioned to Saturn Dood (6th Planet) here when he sent me a really good song he had produced - I will put my best work upon it when the mood the music invokes when it hits me and I am in sync with it.

    I appreciate that opportunity as well as the ability to listen to all sounds - at some point they will resonate with me in the future.

    Being young and vibrant devoid of old people experiences makes music much more animating/motivating of our energies.

    Music makes me miss my youth while simultaneously looking forward to the future - the possibilities are endless . . .

  • @Steve_Lee said:

    There isn't really any bad music.

    Not sure about that: apart from personal taste, there's music which is badly played
    or badly written.

    Examples? All subjective of course, but:

    • Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory" strikes me as lazy, pompous and bombastic racket;

    • Side Two of John Lennon's 'Live Peace in Toronto' with Yoko Ono screeching and wailing;

    • anything by five-singer 'boy bands' - although the songs which are 'borrowed' might encourage people to seek out the superior originals; and

    • Lou Reed's 'Metal Machine Music', which I think was a contractual album joke? Two LPs worth of white noise...


  • @GeoffMillar said:

    Not sure about that: apart from personal taste, there's music which is badly played
    or badly written.

    Examples? All subjective of course, but:

    • Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory" strikes me as lazy, pompous and bombastic racket;

    • Side Two of John Lennon's 'Live Peace in Toronto' with Yoko Ono screeching and wailing;

    • anything by five-singer 'boy bands' - although the songs which are 'borrowed' might encourage people to seek out the superior originals; and

    • Lou Reed's 'Metal Machine Music', which I think was a contractual album joke? Two LPs worth of white noise...


    That actually proves Steve's point. What is and isn't bad music is 100% subjective. To my knowledge there is not a single piece of music that is universally reviled.

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  • @jr@mac said:

    That actually proves Steve's point. What is and isn't bad music is 100% subjective. To my knowledge there is not a single piece of music that is universally reviled.

    I don't know anyone who likes the Yoko Ono or Metal Machine Music, nor have I seen good reviews of either. Side One of Live Peace has some great, unrehearsed rock n roll and Yoko's voice is mixed low on the tracks where she sings.

    But my nieces used to like some of the boy bands!


  • Somebody liked it enough to greenlight it.

    I mean, I hate AC/DC and Aerosmith more than I hate almost anything, yet here they are.

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  • The list of bands I literally hate that millions love disturbs me sometimes. Kool and the Gang, for example. Michael Jackson. Led Zeppelin. Soundgarden.

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