All buttoned up and ready to be picked up. Every e-cap and a handful of small signal transistors were replaced. The power supply and output transistors got new thermal compound. The speaker protect relay was in good shape, so parts were only $75.
Listening to this combo today. It seems to have a few issues when you first turn it on for about the first three minutes. It only has one channel after that both channels start working and it works great all day.
A couple of years ago, I opted to go the simplicity route (lots of reasons). Bought an Arcam SA20. Love it.
Sold my 1973 Accuphase P300 to a friend. I had fully recapped and sorted myself with new switches and pots. What a beast it was. Of course, I regret selling.
I read through that one Tom.
I don’t believe I will bid on these when they come up for auction as I don’t think they will go for my price range. Lots of people go crazy over this old RF stuff.
If you have everything plugged into the same outlet or strip, my money would be on a dead cap in the power supply. That preamp has 3 regulated supplies, so there are lots little caps in those circuits.
These I’ve had since the early 90’s. I’ll have to find someone that can fix that for me.> @Tom_S said:
If you have everything plugged into the same outlet or strip, my money would be on a dead cap in the power supply. That preamp has 3 regulated supplies, so there are lots little caps in those circuits.
@6thplanet said:
Hit a dirt mall in Cincinnati....
Those speakers (with the recessed tops) could be fitted with black / smoked glass tops - aka the old JBL L300s. Read where they were good for illicit white power back in the day. But still good looking.
I know I've seen a pair of Zenith Allegro in my past somewhere, and they had the same grill frames just as those do. Not sure where I saw them though...
Sad those old Bozaks were priced to sit there for eternity. Actually a lot of cool stuff/furniture was, it's kinda disheartening to go to these places anymore. Only things I came home with were a couple records, Larry Carltons self titled album and Lee Ritenours "Rit" album...$8 a piece.
The owner of the Marantz picked it up yesterday and left me with his latest score, an HK 330B. The tuner wasn't working at all, but he didn't want to put a lot of $ into it. Turned out to be an easy fix.
Not really sure. Might have been the pass transistor. It measures good, but that's not at working voltages, so it's suspect. It was under a buck to replace it while I was in there. I ran this for 30 minutes last night and nothing is getting hot, so I hope that fixed it. It's nice sounding little unit - with somewhat tube like warm sound.
The guy who sometimes brings me gear to repair knew I still needed an SX-950 to complete my SX-x50 receiver collection. He spotted one on Marketplace in North central Iowa. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but he kept an eye on it. He picked it up yesterday when the price dropped and offered to let me have it for the purchase price + some troubleshooting on the NAD below it. I'll take that deal all day long! We've developed a good friendship over the past year or so and I'm very grateful for his thoughtfulness.
Nice find. That faceplate looks almost perfect! I see a small amount of wear on the dial glass edging around the tuning knob and meters, but that is probably just from normal usage. Are you planning a full cosmetic and electrical restoration?
He just dropped it off and it sounds pretty darn good. It does need some cleaning. 409 and Restor-A-Finish can take care of it. I will have to check the bias and see if anything looks dodgy or it's had any previous work done. The volume knob is a little loose, so the faceplate will have to come off at some point to fix that.
I picked up an oddball yesterday - it's a Montgomery Wards Model 450. Turns out Harman Kardon built this and at least one other model for Wards. This has the same output board as the HK 730 and one of their integrated amps. The guy I bought it from had "some work done on it" - that work turns out to be the entire power amp section was rebuilt by a tech in the Quad Cities. I'll rebuild the preamp/tone board this winter. It's a keeper!
Nice find. Looks very clean. And good detective work in tracking down some service data. Sometimes the most difficult part of servicing old gear is tracking down a readable schematic. (I have an old Realistic STA45B FM Stereo Receiver that needs work. I've been trying to track down a schematic for years. No luck so far.)
Here is the rest of the Nakamichi system.
All buttoned up and ready to be picked up. Every e-cap and a handful of small signal transistors were replaced. The power supply and output transistors got new thermal compound. The speaker protect relay was in good shape, so parts were only $75.

Nice piece!
Great work Tom!
I have a few varied Pioneer knobs and that's about it. Sorry Nick!
Listening to this combo today. It seems to have a few issues when you first turn it on for about the first three minutes. It only has one channel after that both channels start working and it works great all day.
A couple of years ago, I opted to go the simplicity route (lots of reasons). Bought an Arcam SA20. Love it.
Sold my 1973 Accuphase P300 to a friend. I had fully recapped and sorted myself with new switches and pots. What a beast it was. Of course, I regret selling.
NICE! I found a thread on Audiokarama and they made 2 versions of that amp. He changed out some of the smaller caps and had it working again.
I read through that one Tom.
I don’t believe I will bid on these when they come up for auction as I don’t think they will go for my price range. Lots of people go crazy over this old RF stuff.
Wish this pre-amp didn’t have a ground loop in it. Small audible buzz with no volume.
If you have everything plugged into the same outlet or strip, my money would be on a dead cap in the power supply. That preamp has 3 regulated supplies, so there are lots little caps in those circuits.
These I’ve had since the early 90’s. I’ll have to find someone that can fix that for me.> @Tom_S said:
Wish every manufacturer would have done this!
Onkyo A-7040 integrated amp - restoring to flip.

That is a welcome sight.
Hit a dirt mall in Cincinnati....

Those speakers (with the recessed tops) could be fitted with black / smoked glass tops - aka the old JBL L300s. Read where they were good for illicit white power back in the day. But still good looking.

I know I've seen a pair of Zenith Allegro in my past somewhere, and they had the same grill frames just as those do. Not sure where I saw them though...
InDIYana Event Website
Sad those old Bozaks were priced to sit there for eternity. Actually a lot of cool stuff/furniture was, it's kinda disheartening to go to these places anymore. Only things I came home with were a couple records, Larry Carltons self titled album and Lee Ritenours "Rit" album...$8 a piece.
The owner of the Marantz picked it up yesterday and left me with his latest score, an HK 330B. The tuner wasn't working at all, but he didn't want to put a lot of $ into it. Turned out to be an easy fix.
But what caused the cooked resistors?
Not really sure. Might have been the pass transistor. It measures good, but that's not at working voltages, so it's suspect. It was under a buck to replace it while I was in there. I ran this for 30 minutes last night and nothing is getting hot, so I hope that fixed it. It's nice sounding little unit - with somewhat tube like warm sound.
Cool, nice job Tom.
The guy who sometimes brings me gear to repair knew I still needed an SX-950 to complete my SX-x50 receiver collection. He spotted one on Marketplace in North central Iowa. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but he kept an eye on it. He picked it up yesterday when the price dropped and offered to let me have it for the purchase price + some troubleshooting on the NAD below it. I'll take that deal all day long! We've developed a good friendship over the past year or so and I'm very grateful for his thoughtfulness.
Wow, very nice.
Nice find. That faceplate looks almost perfect! I see a small amount of wear on the dial glass edging around the tuning knob and meters, but that is probably just from normal usage. Are you planning a full cosmetic and electrical restoration?
He just dropped it off and it sounds pretty darn good. It does need some cleaning. 409 and Restor-A-Finish can take care of it. I will have to check the bias and see if anything looks dodgy or it's had any previous work done. The volume knob is a little loose, so the faceplate will have to come off at some point to fix that.
Sweet acquisition, Tom!
I picked up an oddball yesterday - it's a Montgomery Wards Model 450. Turns out Harman Kardon built this and at least one other model for Wards. This has the same output board as the HK 730 and one of their integrated amps. The guy I bought it from had "some work done on it" - that work turns out to be the entire power amp section was rebuilt by a tech in the Quad Cities. I'll rebuild the preamp/tone board this winter. It's a keeper!
Nice find. Looks very clean. And good detective work in tracking down some service data. Sometimes the most difficult part of servicing old gear is tracking down a readable schematic. (I have an old Realistic STA45B FM Stereo Receiver that needs work. I've been trying to track down a schematic for years. No luck so far.)
Good luck with the project.