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InDIYana 2020 theme build - The Portals

Just a teaser for now...



  • Line array?
  • 6 drivers in a circle with a big bass driver... Tweeter??
  • ani_101 said:
    6 drivers in a circle with a big bass driver... Tweeter??
    Getting closer, but not quite.  No big woofer and tweeter is TBD - not sure what I can get away with yet. 
  • Are those 3D printed?

  • PaulEbert said:
    Are those 3D printed?

    yes, Dan's got access to some awesome industrial 3D printers!!!
  • Looks like a cylindrical array for a manifold kind of OB. My guess is the cylindrical arrays mount in the holes in the boards.
  • Wolf said:
    Looks like a cylindrical array for a manifold kind of OB. My guess is the cylindrical arrays mount in the holes in the boards.
    Almost nailed it Wolf!  It won't be OB though - standard ported enclosure for the bass response.
    Eight Dayton TCP115-8s will fill the array.
    squamishdrockenrhodes6thplanetRon_EtajanesNicholas_23JasonPdynamoThumperTomkonfyousedand 3 others.
  • Bose Killer!
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Neato Dano!!!
  • Very creative, I thought it was an omni dipole
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Should yield a bipolar response pattern you can look through.
  • Wolf said:
    Should yield a bipolar response pattern you can look through.
  • so if it was a bit wider, multiple entry omni horn?
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • This is awesome! And begs the question: do the portals come with a companion cube?
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Cool.  Look forward to seeing and listening to this at Indy.
  • JasonP said:
    This is awesome! And begs the question: do the portals come with a companion cube?
    I have to admit, I had to look this up and I think I ended up more confused than when I started 🤣
  • Dr. Who?  
  • Made a little progress this weekend.

  • Make sure all the chevrons are aligned :)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Are those dual ports on the bottom?

    What advantages are yellowed by this configuration and I am confused by the drivers firing into each other and the listening axis is 180 degrees?
  • ani_101 said:
    Are those dual ports on the bottom?

    What advantages are yellowed by this configuration and I am confused by the drivers firing into each other and the listening axis is 180 degrees?
    Yes, dual ports on the bottom - I'll have some kind of a stand/legs integrated into the design.  Besides looking cool as shit, I'm not sure what sonic benefits will result.  I'm hoping for a very uniform off axis response as the baseline on axis response will be 90 degrees off of the individual drivers and as you move off axis, some drivers will get more off axis while some get more on axis.  This is an idea I had that just happens to match up with Wolf's 2020 theme and using the TCP115s and a Dayton flangeless tweeter, I'll qualify for both the Dayton class or the under $200 class at MWAF.  I can't actually win because of my involvementt with CSS, but they said I could still compete and be judged.
  • interesting for sure... !
  • I'm glad Dan is still one of the 'oddball' builders (a compliment!). He's one of the guys that takes risks to try something different, whether it will work or not. I find Bill is also getting to be in that category. I've taken my share of risks on builds as well. And of course, dlneubec is likely the master of that kind of project plan. When the results are sketchy at best from the conception, and it's not a 'safe' exercise, things can be conceived and completed through lots of sweat equity, trial, and error.
  • edited March 2020
    Hi Dan

    A question about how you printed the baffles for the dayton drivers. They are curved, but i don't see any traces of supports. Trying to print curved prices (or if they are standing on edge, the huge hole in the middle is always an issue. and how you printed the screw holes connecting each piece?
  • edited March 2020
    Wolf said:
    I've taken my share of risks on builds as well.
  • Wolf said:
    I'm glad Dan is still one of the 'oddball' builders (a compliment!). He's one of the guys that takes risks to try something different, whether it will work or not. I find Bill is also getting to be in that category. I've taken my share of risks on builds as well. And of course, dlneubec is likely the master of that kind of project plan. When the results are sketchy at best from the conception, and it's not a 'safe' exercise, things can be conceived and completed through lots of sweat equity, trial, and error.
    Aw thanks Ben!  And I'm glad you bust ass to put on InDIYana every year so I have a place to demo my oddball builds!
  • ani_101 said:
    Hi Dan

    A question about how you printed the baffles for the dayton drivers. They are curved, but i don't see any traces of supports. Trying to print curved prices (or if they are standing on edge, the huge hole in the middle is always an issue. and how you printed the screw holes connecting each piece?
    These are laser sintered, which is a self-supporting process.  Even with a home printer though, you should be able to print them laying "flat" with some supports under the curved edges and just make the screw holes small enough to self-support, then drill them out afterwards.  I can send data to anyone who wants to try.  These are made specifically for the TCP115, but it wouldn't be too hard to scale up or down a little to accommodate other drivers.
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