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When I win the lottery...

I'll never build a passive crossover again ;)

Just looking at the newly listed NAD products at Solen. This little guy it targeted at distributed audio, but it's a 8 channel Hypex amp with network DSP. 120W * 8 with channels bridgeable to 200W. Perfect for active speakers, the only catch is a CAD$4000 price tag, today that's USD$2875

There's a bigger one too with 150Wpc, 280W bridged, at CAD$5000.

I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.


  • Actually in the grand scheme of things it's not too bad. I was looking at the OKTO 8 channel DAC - that thing is 1000 Euro, add on 8 channel good quality amp - the 125asx2 icepower is around 120USD, so for 4 of them, its 480, so add in minidsp SharC for 185 that's around 1700 - add in the box and terminals, and it's just over 2k but now i have a bunch of boxes sitting all over the place. 

    Of course i would take the Okto DAC over what is in the NAD and I would take ncore over icepower. but there are no NC122 ncores available readily.... but the NAD seems to use UcD...
  • edited May 2020
    oh and I can go 1 50asx for the tweeter, 2 x 125 asx for the upper mid and lower mid (or i can bridge them for 400 watts) and 1 500ASP and 1 500A for the low bass/subwoofer for 8 channel 
  • BTW I am also waiting for funds to grab the emotiva 8 channel amp, before it goes NLA, but in the current scenario, that seem unlikely (me have funds available).... but like all other mainstream multi-channel amp, the emotiva is only 30watts x 8 all channels driven and there is no dsp.
  • Re: multi-channel amp.
    I got one of these a few years ago.
    VERY clean specs, built like a tank. If you can find one, they are usually about $125 on the 'Bay.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
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