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New Build / Pulse Check

Hi All,

I haven't been around a whole lot recently, but recently got the DIY bug again. This build is actually from last fall - work wanted something different and interesting for the company picnic. Since I've been reclaiming a lot of lumber from work from shipping crates and whatnot from the recent renovation I made these.

Cabinet is half a cube made from solid pine. Finish is three coats of danish oil followed by a coat of Trewax. Drivers are the HiVi D6.8IIB and Monacor DT99.

They won't be making it to any events, but I'll have something new built come Iowa.


jr@mackenrhodes4thtryhifiside6thplanetjhollanderrjj45ugly_wooferTurn2Bryan@MACand 2 others.


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