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Up next: higher end 6.5" standmount



  • So far so good... Yes that is a 1550hz XO point on a ribbon.

    The Viawave is a badass bitch. Do not fuck with her, she will fuck with you right back.

    I have a signature.
  • I may try to tip the top end down a bit to control some slight sibilance.

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  • edited October 2023

    ...and the answer to tilting the top end down on a tweeter is a Zobel... zobel... zobel...

    Chris would be proud.

    I'm going to try it. Getting to be a lot of components on this build. Good thing I have a hoard of things or the wife would shoot me buying everything outright.

    (I already knew a Zobel will tip the top end down on a tweeter - I was making a joke)

    I have a signature.
  • Zobel on a ribbon? What do you aim for tuning it to?

  • @6thplanet said:
    Zobel on a ribbon? What do you aim for tuning it to?

    I just played with values until I got what I wanted.

    I have a signature.
  • Looking good JR! These are shaping up to be another winner.

  • So basically used it for what it is, a notch filter?

  • If it doesn't flatten the impedance to a constant resistance load, it ain't a zobel.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • @dcibel said:
    If it doesn't flatten the impedance to a constant resistance load, it ain't a zobel.

    Lol it was a joke... Poking a little fun at a certain perpetually grumpy person.

    I have a signature.
  • I'm going to try these caps:

    I have a signature.
  • silverDMikegugly_wooferS7910Steve_Lee
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  • Heck of a hole there in opposition! Nicely done.

  • LP sections done. Tired of this project, kind of glad the caps I'm trying are a couple weeks out.

    I have a signature.
  • I either have used or still have a pair of those 28uF Aerovoxes. ApexJr is still there, but much less inventory.
    At least we have JF to fill the void of Meniscus, ApexJr, and All Electronics....

  • Decided to use the Polar caps I had sitting around instead. HP filters done:

    I have a signature.
  • I'm home sick today but being horizontal hurts my upper body (ordered COVID tests for wife and I), so buttoning this up today. Tired of looking at it lol.

    I have a signature.
  • Get on the vitamins and fresh air quick, JR - be well.

  • I'm just getting over a bout with a head/chest cold followed up with the stomach flu for good measure. I've been under for 2 weeks, and missed 4 days of work. They are going around here, both of them. Haven't been that sick in about 12 years. On antibiotics now for the lingering sinus infection, but otherwise am doing much better.
    My coworker came back from helping another facility in MO a week ago, and caught Covid on the plane home. Good thing he had last week scheduled off.
    Be well JR and fam!
    Stay well if you can, everyone else! Getting cold out there now, pending snow 5pm tonight....

  • edited October 2023

    Little better shot of the on axis and reverse null:

    Distortion, SPL accurate at 1M:

    No trace of stress on tweeter despite the ~1670Hz crossover point.

    2nd electrical on both woofer and tweeter, two notches on woofer. Notch and a "zobel" to tame top end on tweeter. XO schematic in next post.

    I have a signature.
  • ugly_wooferhifisideSteve_Lee6thplanet
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  • ugly_woofersilverDhifisideS7910Steve_LeeTurn26thplanet
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  • The Eclipse lacks the finesse of the Motus in Nemo, but otherwise pretty damn nice speakers.

    I have a signature.
  • There isn't much that actually does have that level of finesse, IMO.

  • @jr@mac said:
    Little better shot of the on axis and reverse null:

    The "Fallopian Phase Alignment" [FPA] graph is near perfection, sir.

  • @Wolf said:
    There isn't much that actually does have that level of finesse, IMO.

    Agreed. Sad to see them go.

    I have a signature.
  • DrewsBrewsugly_woofertajanesS7910Steve_LeeSilver1omokenrhodeshifisideScottSJasonP
    I have a signature.
  • One minor tweak to the padding (added 1/2 ohm after crossover) and they are locked in. Wasn't apparent it required the padding until watching MASH of all things. First I tried 1 ohm but that dulled the voices - so went to the 1/2 ohm. Doesn't sound like much but given the tweeter covers 1670 and up it is a pretty broad change.

    All in all, one of my best to date. I think the major limitation is the bottom end, the Eclipse isn't as clean as the Motus in my other build using this tweeter. Otherwise, they are pretty equal. I will cross them at 60Hz when I get home tonight and spend a little while dialing in the subwoofer levels to blend them in. They should really rock the Barbie Girl then :)

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    Little better shot of the on axis and reverse null:

    Distortion, SPL accurate at 1M:

    No trace of stress on tweeter despite the ~1670Hz crossover point.

    2nd electrical on both woofer and tweeter, two notches on woofer. Notch and a "zobel" to tame top end on tweeter. XO schematic in next post.

    Do you ever get a null like that with a WMTMW?

  • You can if you're using LR4 slopes.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    You can if you're using LR4 slopes.

    What should the null for a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd look like?

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