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This is a design based around the JuleFidelity tweeter and the MAC 4" and 6.5" drivers. TMWW format.
Here is the modeled extension. I deliberately rolled it off slightly to compensate for the lower woofer being just a few inches off of the ground. I will do some experimenting with how much stuffing I add to help control peaks. Starting with 4 ounces of Acoustastuff.
Here is the basic CAD stuff:
Some construction pictures. Kudos to Brad for his excellent work.

Bracing is adequate, the mid chamber serves as a bracing point as it is tied to the sides and rear baffles. Mid chamber is about 120 cubic inches net. Will be stuffed with a handful of Acoustastuff.
Attached is a PDF containing CAD info. Paint is giving me shit when I try to save screenshots, so whatever.
Can we pick up a pair of cabinets at Dakota DIY '24?
We could probably arrange that.
Someone needs to close the breaker panel's door.
Nah, need easy access since I blocked it with my bench.
Seriously though, forgot to close it after I finished up the electrical in my bar.
My lazy side would have taken over on the mid enclosure and just spanned it to the sides of the main enclosure. Seeing it nested like you guys did it is pretty satisfying to look at though
And I'm sure there were reasons for doing it that way.
Controlling the Q of the driver?
A well designed WWMT tower speaker kit for less than $400/pair all-in? I think you guys are giving PE the middle finger with this one.
They are resellers, not designers . . .
Don't they have some kits they designed in-house? I heard the C-Note needed some tweaking to actually sound good.
So do the Samba kits as I built a pair but as we all know - we can't design a speaker system that makes everyone happy in every room nor set of ears.
DSP gives the individual complete control of it all where a passive kit on the other hand . . .
Case in point is the 3-way discrete stacked driver tower I built recently playing in my shop has exposed the short comings of the 3 way coaxes/sub in my drum room in the basement - now I am building dedicated DSP controlled woofer cabinets to create a 4 way system for that location. The CX10 woofer will get moved to mid-range duty where it now obviously belongs.
My desires are different [use dependent] and when you hear something better, you ask why? then figure out why and then improve your existing system.
I get shit wrong all the time, but this is the story I remember.
(The late great) Lou Coraggio designed the C-Notes. He passed on.
PE stole the name, put in a bad crossover, and sold this version.
I"m sure a number of guys here will correct me if needed....
No, that's not really it. Lou died well before the DS drivers.
Ron E. had a design called C-Notes. PE is not exactly shy about ripping off names.
Thanks JR
The original C-Notes from 2012.
Yeah, I thought that they were Peerless SDS. Sorry I forgot the designer.
In many ways, those were the heyday DIY.
How far do you take a budget build?
Smiley face on purpose.
If you got that with 9 parts or less I'll buy you a case of Miller Lite at the next Iowa gathering.
Double your pleasure with a Dual Fallopian Phase graph!

Not worried about the 6-7khz phase burp?
And what was your distance / gating on your measurements? I always wonder what other people pick.
I'm not too worried about the mild phase fuckery - one of the things I am willing to live with on a budget speaker.
I measure at 1M, gating is usually around 3.5ms I think.
If the midrange didn't have a breakup I probably would have hit 9 components. Ended up with 12:
Definitely a 4 ohm design:
This crossover iteration received the famous Mrs. JR thumbs up after extended listening last night. Keep in mind this is not my usual voicing and after I downloaded what I was trying to do with these she listened with different expectations (not lower - different).
At current introductory pricing, this design sans cabinet costs about $336 at JuleFidelity.
The 68uF can be made into a 69uF by combining the 160V 47uF and 22uF. The two 47uF are their 160V version, couple coils will need unwound to hit my values - I may buy those coils from Brad and do just that. It would be a 0.2 to 0.15 and a 0.5 to 0.47. On the other hand, it may be close enough as-is.
There is nothing special about the cabinet. I designed it to be close to the PE flat pack tower.
There is about 1 ounce of Acoustastuff in the mid chamber, and 2 wads of stuffing in the bass chamber each about 2oz right behind each woofer. There is still a small impedance peak from the pipe resonance, but IMHO nothing to sweat.
The C5+R3 coil bypass is interesting. Trying to intuit what it does, and it's not clicking. I'd love to see a trace of the mid's raw & filtered response.