I built a pair of bookshelf speakers with a simulated black ash finish. They turned out looking really good. I veneered the boxes with some cheap paper backed oak veneer, then spray painted them with a couple of coats of Rustoleum flat black. After a few days of curing I rubbed the cabinets with a white Scotch Brite pad. That removed the dull, flat, overspray look and added just enough sheen to look like your example above.
I will probably use just paint to simulate it. Done a lot of metal woodgrain doors in my days for people. There is no way I can veneer these and then paint over the top of them. I would have way more veneer and paint then I would the drivers and the wood that they’re built out of.
I also like this look. My Zonker speakers had a very dark simulated wood grain finish that looked very similar. Don't know if it was black ash, because the Menards price tag just said "value shelving". I sanded and painted the roundovers to match with a rattle can of Rust-oleum metallic oil rubbed bronze.
I LOVE systems that can really play clean loud music
It's a wonder that I never built a diysoundgroup box, but I've got some big high efficiency drivers....
But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
If these are still in the shop this weekend I think I'd like to stop out for a listen. I also have three drivers that may be interesting to see on the big baffle.
Question on your previous video - the filler for the sub - is the Filler enough for the cabinet coating? Would it stop telegraphing joints, or you are going to pust soemhting else on it?
Yes just paint over PB.
As far as my experience in the last 20 some years of paint and body work there is no body filler that stops telegraphing. You must bridge the seam with something hard like Formica, thicker veneers, fiberglass veil or composite panels like Wilson Audio does.
Thinking of doing a simulated black ash finish. I think that’s what they call this finish.
Going to buy vinyl or doing veneer and stain?
I built a pair of bookshelf speakers with a simulated black ash finish. They turned out looking really good. I veneered the boxes with some cheap paper backed oak veneer, then spray painted them with a couple of coats of Rustoleum flat black. After a few days of curing I rubbed the cabinets with a white Scotch Brite pad. That removed the dull, flat, overspray look and added just enough sheen to look like your example above.
I will probably use just paint to simulate it. Done a lot of metal woodgrain doors in my days for people. There is no way I can veneer these and then paint over the top of them. I would have way more veneer and paint then I would the drivers and the wood that they’re built out of.
Unless somebody knows of a sheet of veneer that is around 20 bucks for a 4 x 8. Lol
Couple samples of simulated “wood grain “ I’ve done in the past.

I have ebonized oak before and it looks killer. I use steel wool and vinegar to get the rust, after that I go over it with ebony stain.
Those look great! Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
I also like this look. My Zonker speakers had a very dark simulated wood grain finish that looked very similar. Don't know if it was black ash, because the Menards price tag just said "value shelving". I sanded and painted the roundovers to match with a rattle can of Rust-oleum metallic oil rubbed bronze.
I’m close. I will perfect it when I get closer to that stage

I shouldn’t be this excited to get these things fired up, but I am.

So it's a 12 and a 15? Or 15/18
I'd like to hear the first 20 seconds of Talking Heads - Burning Down the House on those beasts (cranked to 11)
I'd like to hear the whole song cranked to 10
The intro to "I will Remember" by Toto would be a good one to get those woofers moving!
Great song!
InDIYana Event Website
Almost time for 2. Taking my time with this one I would really like this horn to sound nice.
I LOVE systems that can really play clean loud music
It's a wonder that I never built a diysoundgroup box, but I've got some big high efficiency drivers....
If these are still in the shop this weekend I think I'd like to stop out for a listen. I also have three drivers that may be interesting to see on the big baffle.
There here. Still messing with some off axis measurements and the bottom end.
Those are awesome!!
At around 115db this morning

Give this a go 🤘🏼😈🤘🏼
Shooting a video today. I think I’m going to go for the rough cut look in black then just a textured front and back. Test panel is where I’m heading.

Is that Just paint? Looking forward to the video.
Question on your previous video - the filler for the sub - is the Filler enough for the cabinet coating? Would it stop telegraphing joints, or you are going to pust soemhting else on it?
Yes just paint over PB.
As far as my experience in the last 20 some years of paint and body work there is no body filler that stops telegraphing. You must bridge the seam with something hard like Formica, thicker veneers, fiberglass veil or composite panels like Wilson Audio does.
How about hardboard veneer?