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edited April 2017 in Support
Ванная – это любимое место отдыха каждого члена семьи. Ведь все любят расслабиться в теплой ванне после очередного суетливого дня. Прежде чем приступить к ремонту, следует представить и разобраться с будущим дизайном. Если вы знакомы со специальными программами, которые позволяют проектировать дизайн, тогда задача значительно упрощается, и вы сможете с легкостью просмотреть будущий результат работы. Но даже если у вас и нет таких программ, то дизайн будущей ванной комнаты можно прорисовать вручную. Если вы все продумаете заранее, то во время ремонта это гораздо упростит задачу с размещение сантехники, технику и прочие элементы. Во время проектирования дизайна старайтесь делать его не только красивым, но и функциональным и удобным. Рассчитайте площадь поверхностей и определитесь с количеством материала. Стилистика вашей ванной комнаты полностью отдается вашей фантазии. Здесь вы смело можете экспериментировать с различными цветами и тонами. Можно сделать сочетание линий и геометрических фигур, или цвета и абстрактные фигуры. Перед началом ремонта желательно демонтировать всю старую сантехнику из ванной, так как после ремонта старая сантехника может выйти из строя, и ремонт придется портить. Все металлические трубы лучше заменить пластиковыми моделями, так как они не поддаются ржавлению и срок их службы дольше. Заменив трубы, можно приступать к настилу покрытия на пол. Для ванной отлично подойдет керамическая плитка или камень. Самый доступный и простой вариант – это конечно же плитка. Она не требует особых финансовых и физических затрат. Для неё достаточно сделать идеально ровную поверхность из бетонной стяжки. Потолок в ванной лучше делать подвесным. За таким потолком можно незаметно провести электропроводку и вентиляционные коммуникации. А сам материал, из которого обычно делают такие потолки, не боятся влаги и имеет большой срок службы. Закончив с полом можно переходить к сантехнике. Начнем с главного – ванна. Ванны бывают металлическими, стальными, акриловыми и чугунными, а по форме встречаются овальные, угловые и круглые. Наиболее прочные и популярны чугунные ванны, так как они хорошо удерживают тепло. Также популярностью пользуются и акриловые ванны – они также имеют хорошую теплоёмкость и малый вес. Однако, при желании можно полностью отказаться от ванны и поставить душевую кабинку. Она компактна и хорошо вписывается в общий дизайн. К душевой кабинке можно подобрать соответствующие смесители, которые на рынке представлены в огромном ассортименте. И наконец, последняя деталь – раковина. Здесь тоже достаточно широкий круг разнообразия. Раковины встречаются различные по форме, цвету и материалу.

PETT can deal with shit like that lol
I have a signature.


  • Something, something Carter Page... is all I can make out.
  • No need ro explain, I think we prefer everything as-is! 
  • Turn2 said:
    Something, something Carter Page... is all I can make out.

    I love it! Good one!
  • I thought it was to restrict d-bags like AE.
  • That link is screwing up my pad, could you omit it?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.

  • I ran it through google translate below... omitted the link.....

    Where to start repair Bath room - a favorite vacation spot of each family member. 

    After all, everyone loves to relax in a warm bath after a bustling day. Before we begin to repair, should be submitted to and deal with the future of design. If you are familiar with special programs that allow you to design a design, then the task is greatly simplified, and you can easily view the next result. But even if you do and do not have such programs, the design of a future bathroom, you can draw the hand. If you think everything through in advance, at the time of repair is a much easier task with the placement of plumbing, appliances and other items. Try to do during the design of the design it not only beautiful, but also functional and comfortable. Calculate the surface area and decide the amount of material. The style of your bathroom is fully given to your imagination. Here you can feel free to experiment with different colors and shades. You can do a combination of lines and geometric shapes, or colors and abstract shapes. Before starting the repair, it is desirable to dismantle all the old plumbing in the bathroom, as the renovated old plumbing may be damaged, and repairs have to spoil. All metal pipes should be replaced with plastic models, as they are not susceptible to rust and their service life longer. Replacing the pipe can start to cover the floor flooring. Bathroom is perfect for ceramic tile or stone. The most affordable and easy option - it is certainly a tile. It does not require special financial and physical costs. For her to do quite perfectly smooth surface of the concrete screed. The ceiling in the bathroom is better to make false. For such a ceiling can quietly carry out electrical wiring and air communication. And the material of which usually makes such ceilings are not afraid of moisture and has a long service life. After finishing with the floor, you can move on to the plumbing. Let's start with the principal - bath. Baths are metal, steel, acrylic and cast iron, and are found in the form oval, angular and round. The most durable and popular cast-iron bath, as they are well kept warm. Also popular and acrylic bathtubs - they also have good heat capacity and low weight. However, if you wish, you can completely abandon the bath and put a shower. It is compact and fits in well with the overall design. For the shower, you can choose the appropriate mixers are on the market are in a huge range. And finally, the last detail - the sink. There are also quite a wide range of diversity. Shell there are different in shape, color and material. 
  • Lol translate messed up my first sentence. 
  • Very informative, maybe they know about the innovative "slice cut method" of speaker building??
  • PWRRYD said:
    I thought it was to restrict d-bags like AE.
  • D1PP1N said:
    I've met that guy in person, he's quite a character
  • JavadS said:
    I've met that guy in person, he's quite a character
    Did he correct your grammer when you spoke with him in person? 
  • Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've learned a lot!

    The grammar in Russian is just about as bad as the grammar in Google translated version.
    It looks like it's a DIY Bathroom Design Cookbook written by someone from post-Soviet space but rather from one of the Stans.
  • D1PP1N said:
    Did he correct your grammer when you spoke with him in person? 
    I always imagined him having a massive lisp and his grammar-naziing being an overcompensation. 

    Like you meet him and suddenly all the questions you have had are answered when he says his name. 
  • D1PP1N said:
    Did he correct your grammer when you spoke with him in person? 
    He's completely tone deaf to social dynamics, I'm not a psychologist but it seemed like Aspergers, definitely on the spectrum for something.  He just keeps talking, you can't get in a word, and after a while I just said "listen its been great chatting, I have to get back to my table" and he just followed me back and kept talking to the side of my head, stuff about using piezo tweeters and some 15" woofers he found at a thrift store, the whole thing was very interesting to say the least!

    (disclaimer, I'm only saying any of this as it's a closed group and I trust he'll never be invited here, but hopefully this gives you insight to know that he's a really odd guy and it's really best to not take him too seriously.  I strongly doubt he means any harm or has any idea at how he's coming across or making other people feel)
  • JavadS said:
    He's completely tone deaf to social dynamics, I'm not a psychologist but it seemed like Aspergers, definitely on the spectrum for something.  He just keeps talking, you can't get in a word, and after a while I just said "listen its been great chatting, I have to get back to my table" and he just followed me back and kept talking to the side of my head, stuff about using piezo tweeters and some 15" woofers he found at a thrift store, the whole thing was very interesting to say the least!

    (disclaimer, I'm only saying any of this as it's a closed group and I trust he'll never be invited here, but hopefully this gives you insight to know that he's a really odd guy and it's really best to not take him too seriously.  I strongly doubt he means any harm or has any idea at how he's coming across or making other people feel)
       This is what this group is for. None of us are perfect snowflakes. We (I, anyway) kinda' like it that way.  It certinly explains a lot when you discribe him as such. 

        I have been to many DIY and Dealer Hosted events and there are a lot of "Ah-HAH!" Monents when you meet someone in person. I find most to he pretty temerate and well mannered, those with huge egos and strong opnions online usually reflect that in talking to them, but it is far more harmless in person. 

    A good example is me....I have built a solid reputation online  of being a douchebag somewhere in right field who insists on carving the world out with his own spoon.... When in reality, I am a douchebag who insists on.......

    You know what? Nevermind. 
  • I find it odd how different people can be online vs in person.  Craig K. is a great guy in person and would give any of you the shirt off his back.  We text or talk on the phone fairly regularly and I consider him a good friend.  But on PE tech talk he presents himself VERY differently.  Most likely on purpose :astonished: 

    Mike, you and I had a quite a few pissing matches on tech talk in the past (funny not on here though).  But I would bet in person we would enjoy hanging out, talking about  speakers, and drinking a few nice IPA's.
  • PWRRYD said:
    I find it odd how different people can be online vs in person.  Craig K. is a great guy in person and would give any of you the shirt off his back.  We text or talk on the phone fairly regularly and I consider him a good friend.  But on PE tech talk he presents himself VERY differently.  Most likely on purpose :astonished: 

    Mike, you and I had a quite a few pissing matches on tech talk in the past (funny not on here though).  But I would bet in person we would enjoy hanging out, talking about  speakers, and drinking a few nice IPA's.
    Hey Craig,
      Thanks. I agree. I went through a very hard time that went down some deep, dark holes. 

       I am blessed to be human again, so to speak, and right, wrong, or indifferent I did not always present myself in a very kind manner. 

       I pay dearly for it now, but have been fortunate to have some that have seen that there is some usefulness in me somehow. Its a long road, but over the past year, year.5, like has opened some great doors for me.

       I hope to make Dakota DIY next year, if so, the IPA is on me. :)
  • P.s. I have PMed with Craig K a couple of times. I have found him to be very helpul. I think he gets frustrated on the forum.....Like many of us! 
  •  Craig K is a great guy in person, he's very different online but he's a good example of meaning well but coming across as maybe he doesn't.  

    Nuance, grace, empathy, etc are quite rare qualitys in many people, I've learned to appreciate it when I see it or get it, and not to take people too seriously that don't.
  • Mike if we meet in Dakota next year I bet we will end up in a pissing match over who's gettin the next round :open_mouth:  lol
  • PWRRYD said:
    Mike if we meet in Dakota next year I bet we will end up in a pissing match over who's gettin the next round :open_mouth:  lol

    Sounds like the kind of pissing match I am into these days, you're on!  B)
  • Will be great to meet you, mike....! 
  • One person was, to me, an unforgivable level of fuckstick. It never ceased, and this person was the source of many childish tags directed towards me. I was able to figure out the identity of this individual through some simple deductive logic and determined that said individual is incapable of being human in the face of disagreement. 
    I have a signature.
  • I'm glad it's not me.................. right?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Well Johnny,
       When I first signed in here I found a post that mentioned my name and said some very nasty stuff about me. 
    .    I deserved it. I was not a nice person historically.  If it makes you feel better and obsolves you of any curiosity, I was likely responsible for a majority of shitty, venom laced, immatute, and so on tags. 

          As sad as it sounds, through conversations via e-mail, chat, and phone conversations I felt you more as a friend than some internet aquentence (sad because the closest thing I had for a friend was a person 2000 miles away I never actually met). I reached out for help one day, just to chat, and you shut me down hard. I am not even sure you were aware of this. I don't think so at all, in fact, and through no fault of your own my own mess spilled onto you as a very small part of my "burn the world to the ground" phase. 

    You did not deserve it, no one I hurt or lost did, but what I did is done. I learned after being brought back from the brink of death that all I can do is try to move forward.

    When you invited me here, I saw it as an oppirtuiny to rebuild. I can only be the good person I want to be known as through my actions as I move forward. I cannot change a thing I did in the past. 

    My reputaion has been damaged beyond repair though. I reluctantly accept that, its my own fault and doing. I don't have to like it, but have to be at peace with it. Its sad because in the deepest parts of me, music and the love of good sound flows through me, and really, I just wanted to share it with the world. Oh well, benign inifference of the universe I guess! 
       I really have no more skin in this hobby, game, whatever, and being on the outside of many circles it just plain sucks always looking in knowing im "that guy"...But I made it this way for me. No one else.

       So you can ban me from here because you obviously still harbor a lot of resentment from the shit that very shitty people being one of them...but I am at the point where it is far more important to me not have anything to hide, be honest, and accept whatever comes my way because of it. I am no longer going to be somone I do not want to be, nor am I going to hide from the damage I have done. I will face it, and only then can I help or heal. 

    So I hope this finds you well and you fully understand that I am sorry for every bad word that has ever flew from my fingertips. 

    Your contributions to the hobby, forums, and community have been, and continue to truly be great and you have touched many lives with great musical enjoyment. Far more than I ever have, and when this all dissolves into nothing it would flat out be a fucking shame if you let my douchebaggery hold back your ability to help others on their journeys. 
  • It wasn't you, Mike. 
    I have a signature.
  • Im certain i made a comment on said topic about mziss. Now that i got to know you here on this forum i regret posting it. If i ever meet ya ill buy ya a beer for sure. 
  • AE should be invited here so we can tell him how annoying he really is.
  • D1PP1N said:
    Im certain i made a comment on said topic about mziss. Now that i got to know you here on this forum i regret posting it. If i ever meet ya ill buy ya a beer for sure. 
    Its no big deal. Thank you. Like I said, I deserved it at the time. 
  • I left my fair share of tags over there.  Some pretty funny ones but some not so nice ones too.  The not nice ones occurred while drinking too much I think :astonished: 
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