Onto the some hardware progress . Picked up some "gretschbuckers" online from ebay. I couldnt spend the cash on TVjones , $$$ ,and guitar fetish foils were not to spec for size.
I gave up and gave the body to a friend to finish. Ive seen his work and he knows what hes doing . He's even block sanding the damn thing! I met him and a local body shop store and picked out a green that we think should look pretty decent. Ford Jalapeno green . Ford used used the body color on there late 90's rangers.
Poor grammar in previous post "their" not there. Those pick ups you have didnt bolt up to spec . There was some spacing and hard mount issues with the pick guard
I like the green, I like the pick guard, I don't like them together. To me red + green = Christmas, my opinion.🤷🏻♂️ Now if that pick guard was a black/gold swirly thing.....
I like the green, I like the pick guard, I don't like them together. To me red + green = Christmas, my opinion.I🤷🏻♂️ Now if that pick guard was a black/gold swirly thing.....
Is it the shade of green with the tortoise shell pickguard ? The pick guard is more of a brown with gold FWIW , the pictures might make it look redish what do you guys think about this green?
MF!!! My take, remove the bridge. Dremel the broken screw flat. Center punch. Drill hole for an easy out. Or Dremel a slot and use a flat blade screwdriver. Slot method requires " be super fuckin careful "
You can buy a set of left twist drill bits at Campbell Supply, Nick. That plus a center punch should do the trick. I might even have the relevant tools here.
As others have stated, no big deal to get the broken theaded shaft out. But my question is... how in the wide world of sports did a metal fastener break when threaded into a wooden body? Yikes!
.....wait is this the guitar the pick-ups you sent me came out of?
what do you guys think about this green?