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What does your listening space look like? I've been tinkering with mine the last day or two:
Still some cleaning up to do, the cables going to the Dreadnaught are too short to get it on-center and that bothers the living shit out of me. I ordered some longer cables last night.
I am also getting this for the amp:
Marantz AV8801
Oppo BDP105d
HTPC with zero moving parts (even the PSU is fanless)
Antique Sony VCR circa 1997
Another amp, 5 channel Emo.
You’ve seen mine, not the prettiest but its large.😉
Work in process. Getting it back together. Had plumbing issues in the floor above. OPPO dvd to Emotiva DAC, Classe pre to Yamaha pro amp. Recently added a 1998 Velodyne 10" sub with the 12"pr.
This is the wall my HT will be going in. Plan is to get rid of the TV and go with a 100" screen and projector. LCR in the walls. Pioneer receiver will run the HT side.
Here's mine... kinda.
I consider myself very lucky to have my own space to park all my treasures! When I bought the house, the bigger basement space had an industrial tiled floor, butt-ugly 1970's style wallboard, and fluorescent lights right down the middle from one wall to the next. I added the wall with the door in the middle. It has some horrible bass nodes, so I listen mostly along the short dimension where they aren't so pronounced. Putting up that wall did give me a little space for an office nook at the bottom of the stairs. That's now my electronics bench and, to be honest, I actually listen to music there most of the time.
My Chinese friend says; "Ho Lee Fuk" to that ^ above stuff, BTW.
My other listening space, what we affectionately refer to as "The Nerdery":
FX Audio DAC-X6
FX Audio Tube 01
FX Audio FX10002A
Nemo TM with Viawave ribbon and Motus midwoofer
Some moderate room treatments are forthcoming.
I also have six pair of cans to choose from when I am listening at night after wife has gone to bed.
My listening spot, the turntable is behind me.

What's the deal with those towers Nick?
Looks like RSS265, W4-1337, 25-1742(?); and about 4 cubes.
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Not really a listening space, but we do stream music sometimes. Living room.
Denon AVR-X3400H and Taiga. My Emo amp will go there sometime soon.
Old ass Sony Blu-ray player lurking in there, too. Will upgrade that someday.
Also have a HTPC to finish and hook up.
Ben has it correct RSS265hf, TB W4-1337, & TB 25-1742. Just one set of cables, they're single wired, generally driven by the Aragon 8008 amp, Klyne SK-6 preamp. The digital source is an Oppo or computer feeding a NAD M51 dac.
My upstairs listening space is nice and large, have to work on the woofer placement though
Equipment here currently is an old Chromecast audio, optical output to DAC-X6, to an old DIY LM3886 "My_Ref" kit that I built 10+ years ago. The amp can rotate to whatever quite easily, and I'll eventually replace the old Chromecast audio with something more modern, but there isn't much really that replaces it in a cost effective manner for ease of streaming audio from a phone interface, with Tidal. Cheapest replacement seems to be a Wiim Pro, which would be a good upgrade just to be able to include some PEQ for fine tuning. MiniDSP SHD Studio would be nice, but at USD$950 it's a bit much.

Basement TV space uses an Outlaw 976 and Outlaw 5000x. There's some rear speakers on the back wall not shown. Eventually there is some plan to redo this room with some different furniture and I've got a full set of speakers ready to be built for matching front left, right, and centre. This room could use some better room treatment as well.

Office listening space, nice big desk, and I use some EQ of course here to "fix" the desk reflection. Equipment here currently is a Topping DX3Pro, and Boxem something or other, its a 250Wpc nCore OEM module in a box essentially. Might move the nCore amp upstairs eventually to the big space, 250W is getting a bit underutilized for close range computer listening. There's some headphones here as well, Hifiman HE-4XX, Sennheiser HD580, and Philips Fidelio X2, all with nice EQ profiles set up to get the most out of them.

Outlaw 976 a/v preamp running as 2.2. Mains biamped via miniDSP HD & Legacy Powrbloc4 + my single-stage tube pre/buffer (mid/tw coax channel). Ceiling surrounds run off a Parasound Zamp v.3 (behind cabinet door). Furman power sequencer / conditioner M8s.
No dedicated music room, but a sweetheart of a spouse that lets me place my diy speakers next to the fireplace.
Nice stone work on the fireplace.
I’m kinda embarrassed to say I don’t even have a set of speakers at home.
The guy that built this has Mad Skills (Napoleon Dynamite)
The Cherry Pi's have a dedicated listening room. We built our home just over 20 years ago and when we finished off the basement I got to build the listening room. The front and right side of the room are concrete basement walls. the other two walls are double 2x4 walls with an air gap in between. There's wood sheeting on the outside and inside of the external wall and the outside of the interior wall with all the joints caulked to make them air tight. The ceiling joists were hung from the side walls and interleave the floor ceiling joists above so nothing in the room touches the floor above. Foam insulation was applied to all the interior walls before the sheet rock was installed. The internal walls and ceiling were sheet rocked with a double layer of sheet rock with the second layer hung on J channel. A single power line feeds the room and all the power is surface mounted and the lighting is track lighting. There's also a single ethernet line. The back of the room is adjacent to a walk in closet. Originally there was a single 3" PVC tube going through a side wall to run cables to the computer that runs the system on the other side of the left wall. It's stuffed with denim insulation. I later added a PVC pipe to the closet and to a register on the side wall so I could have some ventilation. I build a baffle with a labyrinth lined with damping material. It's topped with a quiet bathroom fan running at 1/2 speed off a surplus variac. The door is solid MDF with the interior side lined with the same denim panels that are used for wall treatment. After the room was put together I ran sine sweeps to identify buzzes and rattles and had to do some calking on the surface mounted electrical runs. Needless to say it is a very quiet room and I don't hear things like the washer, dryer or refrigerator. I can also play music at midnight and not disturb my wife sleeping upstairs.
This is a view of the double wall with air gap at the doorway.

Family room is the catch all. An $80 Craigslist Sony AVR is powering LR and rear surrounds, and the center is active. There’s a GRS SW12-HE in the crab table and a Peerless 830667 in the foothills table flanking the mains.
Holy cow Ron! That's built better than a few recording studios I've been in. You could probably use that as a mastering room!
Here’s a panoramic photo taken from my phone. Sorry about the mess and stereoscopic distortion. It’s a real life living room, kids, mess and all.

Hopefully by 2033 we’ll have distortionless wide shots, like we’ll have distortionless speakers…
I borrowed heavily on recording studio tricks when I built the room. It's a nice space to make speaker measurements.
Slytherin Studios ?
The cherry Pi's sound great in this room! or anywhere else...
I'll take a turn at home listening spaces.

This is my main system with the Bordeaux in the HT/Listening Room in my basement.
Next up....

This is my main floor living room with the new Anthology II. More info on these this spring.
Are we referencing the signed Nastassja Kinski and the Serpent Avedon print? Too bad I don't have this version.
I just want to say these are some great looking rooms and systems.
Well since my home listening space is filled with my sister in laws stuff cuz she’s temporarily staying with us, here is my work desktop. Emotiva ego+ dac, Schiit Vali 2++ preamp/hp amp, unnamed powered speakers (Dayton kab250, rs125p, seas h1212).
I see you refinished your Bordeaux.
Do you slay that axe, Jim?
A2 look like a solid design...
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Hi Ben,
The guitar actually was a gift to my daughter, who thought she wanted to learn how to play when in high school. She lost interest in it, so it became a decoration for the listening room.
I love listening to blues guitar, but have no desire to play one.
Yes, the Bordeaux did end up with veneer. I was never happy with the paint finish, and the veneer made the positioning in the house more versatile.