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Listening spaces? Let's see 'em!



  • @Tom_S said:
    Turn those up loud enough and you might get the elephants to walk!

    Yeah.. it has happened playing digital stuff. The vinyl gets bass reverb before that level though :#

  • How do they sound now?

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    How do they sound now?

    I really like them.

    I have a signature.
  • Enjoy and be happy!

    Eventually, I want to try that dome mid myself . . .

  • edited October 2023

    @ugly_woofer said:
    My listening spot, the turntable is behind me.

    I notice several Buddha statues in your place - I have a small collection of them myself. One of them is soapstone that my old man bought when he did a year in Korea in 1970-71. He did eight years active duty, when he enlisted it was at a time when naughty young men were still given the option of federal prison or federal service. After his eight years he did 20 years in the ARNG.

    I have a signature.
  • Here is mine. My 2 12" GRS subs are hidden behind the main speakers.

  • @jr@mac said:

    I notice several Buddha statues in your place - I have a small collection of them myself. One of them is soapstone that my old man bought when he did a year in Korea in 1970-71. He did eight years active duty, when he enlisted it was at a time when naughty young men were still given the option of federal prison or federal service. After his eight years he did 20 years in the ARNG.

    I've had a fondness for Budda's ever since I was a kid, not sure why, but I like them.

  • They are chilled-out, man.

  • @johnny5jz said:
    Here is mine. My 2 12" GRS subs are hidden behind the main speakers.

    Love the RPG diffusors!

  • I don't see any Rocket Propelled Grenades in there . . .

  • They've been diffused.

  • You mean, de-fused dont'cha?
    (good one!)

  • @ugly_woofer said:

    I've had a fondness for Budda's ever since I was a kid, not sure why, but I like them.


    I have a signature.
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