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  • edited July 2020
    Hey guys and gals. Sorry for the delayed response but we are confirmed for October 23/24 in Ankeny at the Best Western Premier Hotel. 

    I’ve reserved a bloc of rooms for $125.99 and we will have use of the meeting room Friday late afternoon/evening and all day Saturday. 

    I will get a web page up in the next couple weeks with more specific info. For now if anyone has any questions please ask here. 

    Very much looking forward to this. Be well everyone!!
    My signature goes here
  • I guess I will show up, if I have to, I guess.

    JP and I were discussing the possibility of cooking breakfast Saturday morning, as there will likely be a limited "free" breakfast available. I have some insider information on hotel breakfasts and the current national health situation, at best we can expect some grab and go sandwiches to be available. If they are not made by my company (and they will not be), they will have questionable quality. 

    So JP and I thought doing a full breakfast tailgate style for the group might be fun. I spoke with Nick, and he is down for helping us cook. I think Nick and I can provide cookware, and the three of us could bring enough ingredients. I plan on grinding out home-made Irish bangers, for example.

    Anyways, lets have fun!
    I have a signature.
  • Booking my room as we speak, the national call in line is painful. Oofdah. 

    They claim they will still have the full breakfast.
    I have a signature.
  • jr@mac said:
    I guess I will show up, if I have to, I guess.
    Do you really have to ?   :p  Looking forward to seeing the gang again.
  • I hate to post this but after lots of thought, unless they have a Covid-19 vaccine before then, I'll not be joining you this year. I'm just too old to take a risk of being in crowds. It's a death sentence for me and I'm not ready to quit building speakers yet. Plus I have nothing new to show. ;)

    Next year I hope!

  • edited July 2020
    I plan to book my room tomorrow.  Can't wait to hear great speakers and hang out with great friends of mine.  I will miss seeing you this year Jim.  Take care my freind.
  • edited July 2020
    PS Jim,  I'm working on a certain WMT with the SB-15CAC that I think you and Curt will like :)
  • This was going to be the year I finally got to meet everyone ... then this krap came along and screwed up everything.  I'm with you Jim, while the wife and I should weather the virus, my 70+ year old parents and our son may very well be another story.  I was so looking forward to hitting the events and putting faces to their online names.  Heck, I was even going to supply drinks for everyone. 
    Yep, so far, I'm pretty disappointed with 2020.         
  • Call me paranoid,  but I  won't be attending any events this year, hell I  should be in Springboro right now.  I'm  not really worried about  being around you guy's,  it's  the hotel and restaurants, because  I'm not  comfortable  with the hotel cleanliness when there isn't  a pandemic. I hope to see you all next year.
  • PWRRYD said:
    PS Jim,  I'm working on a certain WMT with the SB-15CAC that I think you and Curt will like :)
    Man, I really want hear that but it'll have to be another time. I think you're really going to like it!

    I suspect Curt will be doing the same as me. We've both been hunkered down at home without much outside entertainment. We've even kept our distance from family members since the 1st of March.Video conferencing has been our family contact. I hope there's a way to stream live during the event.

    Have fun!

  • Hello DIY brethren. Totally understand apprehension wrt attending in person. I fully support any coordinated effort to live stream and that’s definitely going to be a priority this year. 

    FYI there’s a projector and nice pull down screen at the venue. How cool would it be to do a Google Meet or something similar? 

    I’m not an expert here so opinions

    My signature goes here
  • Hey Bryan, I tried to make hotel reservations yesterday but the lady at the hotel wouldn't give me the preferred rate, stating that they don't have a contract back yet.  Any thoughts?
  • Hey Marty. I called to double check. It’s all good. Please try again and mention IowaDIY. Thanks.

    My signature goes here
  • Man, this Covid thing sucks! It's now very doubtful I'll be able to attend. I'm still waffling about the health risks - seeing that the numbers don't seem to be going in the right direction. But now due to new corporate rules, traveling out of state or even just staying in a hotel would force me to self-quarantine for 2 weeks, effectively burning through all my sick days or taking it unpaid.

  • @Tom_S said:
    Man, this Covid thing sucks! It's now very doubtful I'll be able to attend. I'm still waffling about the health risks - seeing that the numbers don't seem to be going in the right direction. But now due to new corporate rules, traveling out of state or even just staying in a hotel would force me to self-quarantine for 2 weeks, effectively burning through all my sick days or taking it unpaid.

    The owner of my company is now saying something very similar.... I'm hoping things will get much better by Oct. otherwise I will have to back out.

  • Sadly, if I had traveled before June, I would have had a 2 week Staycation on the company dime!

    I sure will miss seeing everyone!! :/

  • This is a fluid situation. States are also rolling back re-opening and easing of regulations. We might be back to no gathering of more than 10 persons or no essential travelling. Plus there are city regulations also.

    And there is the personal health and comfort considerations. At this point, we can plan and hope things will turn out for the best and evaluate and adapt as we get closer to the date.

    I am not going to make it to InDIYana this year, due to the longer distance and the number of states I need to cross as well as the amount of nights I need to be in a hotel. Iowa is of course much closer and I can also do a n extended Day trip, but it all depends on how things play out.

    As we get closer, we can also discuss mitigation steps, but let's see how things goes....

  • since all of pharma is looking at testing for 'the cure', I'm thinking the Adult Refresement posts here are as good as any place to start, and at least as fun...

  • Yup. These things were/are on my mind when I signed the contract with the hotel. Luckily we are not bound to anything where it will cost $$$ if the plans fall apart.

    First and foremost, everyone’s health and safely is #1 priority.

    Let’s just roll with this and adjust as needed. DIY skills can only help us in this endeavor. :)

    My signature goes here
  • Iowa is not doing a particularly good job right now. Maybe we should do Maine DIY 2020. ;-)

  • The daily numbers here in Iowa are making me sad. The Governor follows Washington's lead, science or not, and it isn't working. I hope for better days ahead.

  • @jholtz said:
    The daily numbers here in Iowa are making me sad. The Governor follows Washington's lead, science or not, and it isn't working. I hope for better days ahead.

    This could be an issue but we are three months out and things are changing week-to-week.

    Let’s stay optimistic and reassess as we get closer to event time.

    Let me mention that the group rate rooms require a 72 hour cancellation. So yeah - you will have to call and cancel your reservation if we decide to pull the plug.

    It’s early. Plenty of time for the scientists to come up with a vaccine. I’m looking forward to a cocktail with JR and JP and JR picking up the tab. Those drinks are so tasty. :)

    My signature goes here
  • I'm trying to remain optimistic, but Iowa officials keep trying to minimize our chances. :s

    "Iowa education officials released guidelines Thursday that will allow schools to reopen to normal activities as of July 1 without requirements that students and teachers undergo health checks, wear face coverings or observe social distancing in schools."

  • I'm optimistic and looking forward to seeing folks again. At the same time I'm also holding off on committing until closer to the event since the situation is so fluid. Either way this would be a day trip for me.

  • You guys rock. Unfortunately this pandemic is force to be reckoned with.

    My signature goes here
  • Well, I hate to do this but with Jaxons college start up on-hold and his mother highly reticent in letting him go anywhere right now we're going to back out for this year. Just too many variables and not enough there's that little thing about being 60+ myself.

  • Speaking of college. We had big plans for boy's graduation this past Spring but he had to finish up online, at home, and never got to walk the stage. It just doesn't feel official without doing the walk. We were so looking forward to that.
    And I was so looking forward to attending some diy events this year, meeting everybody, and getting critiqued on my work. So far, this year has been pretty disappointing.

  • Heehee- Cheesehead is stale....

  • @Kornbread said: So far, this year has been pretty disappointing.

    Yeah- for everything except actually building stuff.

  • Yeah, got a few audio project further along and even finished some work around the house, till lumber became in short supply. Other than that, kinda sorta sucky.

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