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2017 Iowa DIY dates?

I know it's early but have the dates been established for the Iowa event yet? I have several family things starting to pile up in September and October that I'd like to space around the event if possible.



  • Bueller, Bueller...... Bueller
  • Sorry for the delayed response - I will be reaching out to Doug this weekend, Jim. I know he has been very busy, as well. 
    I have a signature.
  • Thanks JR! I know it's really early.

    We're going to be traveling a lot in September and my youngest son is getting married in Long Beach on October 28th.  I'm trying to juggle things so I can attend Iowa DIY too. =)

  • Any updates?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • I sent an email to Doug but haven't heard back yet.

  • Same here. I will pester him with a phone call today. 
    I have a signature.
  • Thanks JR!
  • DIY-NY dates are being discussed..........I need a date for IOWA.........I plan on being at both.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • WTG Kenny....! You will get the award for visiting the most DIY events and the longest cumulative miles....!!! :#
  • Thx Ani! But I NEED A DATE!
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • This isn't official, but the date should be October 21. If it isn't, even THIS Iowan won't be able to attend.
  • Sorry Kenny, this isn't a "dating" site <span>:open_mouth:</span>
  • kennyk said:
    DIY-NY dates are being discussed..........I need a date for IOWA.........I plan on being at both.
    Any idea what they are yet Kenny?
  • I have to wait for both events. 
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Any time in October will be fine with me.  I would even be OK with a September date.  I'll be bringing my pair of fully restored Large Advent Loudspeakers.  I want to see how the old "fried egg" tweeters sound in comparison to modern day tweeters.   
  • I can help to pester Doug as well.....I'm very, very good at that.  I'd like to see Iowa 2017 happen, even if it means NOT doing it at Grinnell College.  
    My signature goes here
  • Bryan@MAC said: I'd like to see Iowa 2017 happen, even if it means NOT doing it at Grinnell College.  
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Bryan@MAC said:
    I can help to pester Doug as well.....I'm very, very good at that.  I'd like to see Iowa 2017 happen, even if it means NOT doing it at Grinnell College.  
    Hi Bryan,

    There are lots of meeting rooms and hotels available in the Altoona/Des Moines area which is great for access from I35/I80. However, they're not cheap. Iowa DIY was hosted at Adventureland Inn in 2004 and 2006. It worked very well except the conference room cost was $300+ which is why an attendance fee was charged to offset the out of pocket cost of the organizers. We did just break even. I think that's what prompted Doug to find cheaper rooms at Grinnell College since his wife worked there. That helped a lot.

    I'd be happy to make some inquiries if you like but I have zero time from September 1st on.

  • This popped up on Facebook today.

    SAVE THE DATE!! Iowa DIY 2017- October 21st - Grinnell College - Harris Center. Details and event website to follow.
  • Hmm - flights are pretty cheap right now...............
  • Ron_E said:
    This popped up on Facebook today.

    SAVE THE DATE!! Iowa DIY 2017- October 21st - Grinnell College - Harris Center. Details and event website to follow.
    Perfect! That works for me.

    Thanks Ron!

  • Chi-diy  would be wonderful for me.
  • Awesome!  Oct 21 works good for me.
  • Woo Hoo.... that's great.... !
  • Me too.  I'm in with 1 pair
  • I should be there, maybe even with speakers. I'll see how everything else is going in life. 
    I have a signature.
  • No commitment from me at this point. Lots going on and now I'm dealing with a health issue. 
  • I'll have to check my work schedule, but I think I can make it.
  • No commitment from me at this point. Lots going on and now I'm dealing with a health issue. 
    Praying for you Brother!
  • PWRRYD said:
    Praying for you Brother!
    Thank you my friend. Should have some answers on Mon. 
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