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Work Humor

I'm starting this to post some of the quite amusing things I see on what seems like a daily basis. Sometimes it just seems unreal some of the missed in translation call center complaints I come across. I'm sure there are others in similar lines of work that can share their stories, by all means, please do. I'll start with this...



  • You know your making shit happen when the tinsel leads burn through the cone....

  • I had a pair of 302's at one point. They got loud for a dorm room. I can only imagine what these were doing when that happenend. I love the carnage.
  • I guess that's a good indication the glue they're using on those woofers is up to the task. Nothing came apart from the heat. What's the voice coil look like?
  • VC=crunchy ....side note, not the first time I've seen this. Most not working. Most of the time the surround is gone, they also fail at the triple joint. The VC comes lose from the spider. That's a 301 by the way, there actually was a 302. The 302 is a variance of the 251. It had a passive notch filter on the twids. Also, never heard the the term "twid" until I came to Bose. Used to describe their "fullrange" type speakers. More carnage, huh?....

  • I really wish I could share some of the emails I get from our 2nd shift production supervisor.  English is his second language and I believe he has had no schooling in the US (he's from Mexico, mid 50's, great guy).   While most of the time I do understanding what he's trying to convey.... some of his emails are quite hilarious misuse of words.  Some could be taken straight to HR lol.
  • Our HR director is a rapid response type of person - her emails are notoriously poorly composed. 
    I have a signature.
  • I know it's not fair to make fun of translations into English, but this one made me wonder whether the translator had just pulled out a Chinese-English dictionary and worked out the copy word-for-word:

    "Ling Yun, equipped with a 5.25-inch cone coating woofer (Peerless 830 656). Do not underestimate this little speaker but it, SDS technology, said that this technology can be obtained in the small-caliber unitlarge dynamic high-fidelity sound. The actual audition and testing is indeed the case, the frequency response is very smooth, thick sound extremely resistant to listen, it is able to reflect the charm of the cone speaker that sticky feeling. The tweeter is our special whom with the development of an inch fiber membrane coating tweeter, the tweeter diaphragm is a very mysterious composite filament woven, and high temperature dipping treatment, high pressure water washing by molded into. This diaphragm high-frequency extension, low distortion, high band burr silky obvious sense, are very flat from 1.5Khz to 23Khz frequency response.

    With excellent woofer and tweeter whom with a special developed, then you can get rid off complex crossover network, Ling Yun using a simple two-stage crossover network, we consistently use the core inductor MET divider is dedicated capacitance, no sense of high power resistors, integrated welding mode, specially tailored, oxygen-free copper cable to ensure perfect convergence of the signal. Backward before cabinet design with 18mm speaker dedicated high-density board, exterior logs Paper, the panel arc angle and pull trough Process, taking into account the panel mapping effect but also highlights the high-end fine"



  • Instant Monty Python thoughts. 😝

  • Kitties LOVE 901's !
    ....again, not the first time I've seen this.
  • PWRRYD said:
    I really wish I could share some of the emails I get from our 2nd shift production supervisor.  English is his second language and I believe he has had no schooling in the US (he's from Mexico, mid 50's, great guy).   While most of the time I do understanding what he's trying to convey.... some of his emails are quite hilarious misuse of words.  Some could be taken straight to HR lol.
    I can imagine, one guy I worked with asked his steak "three rooms". I'll let you figure that out. 
  •  ... asked his steak???
  • Kornbread said:
     ... asked his steak???
    The doneness, he requested it 3 rooms. Those were his words. Any guess what he wanted? 
  • In México the common steak doneness is requested in fourths. 3/4 being medium well.
    Fourth=cuarto=room. But even if he had translated the proper words, it would not have been useful. Still caused the rest of us to laugh. 
  • The aforemention HR director will also often use subject line as email body. This is an actual subject line I received.

    I have a signature.
  • Guess your HR manager may have skipped out on a grammar class or two. 
  • I can't post a screen shot but one I can remember is:
    "I broke the dick tonight pumping the big phat tat."

    What really happened is the "deck" (fiberglass cat walk ) broke that night pumping out a magnesium/phosphate tank.
  • Never ceases to amaze me, again, not the first time....$120 worth....

  • This is great :p
  • ...and yet they tried.

  • that may have actually improved the sound out of those speakers....
  • 6thplanet said:
    ...and yet they tried.

    Ok I have to admit I may have tried this once in my younger years..  :s
  • Your job is awesome.

    My job gives me this:

    I have a signature.
  • I agree, this thread makes me want to work at Bose tech for the sheer entertainment of it! 

    Put a big resistor in those and send it back with the power rating at 100 watts for that guy!
  • Yup, that was the joke, stick a 100watt bulb in there 😝
    So....201's don't belong outside...

  • Sent in because the left channel was buzzing?

    sorry..I had to.. I’ll be here all week, be sure to tip your wait staff!
  • jr@mac said:
    Your job is awesome.

    My job gives me this:

    Impressive. That's about what my job gives me.
  • If that's all that happens, it's a slow day where I work.
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