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4" drivers



  • ...yes, be different.

  • How's the AOW intercooler working out?

    Yes, the 2.9 can crack heads. Generally, if it's ever been hot, there's a fair chance the head cracked.

    JR, driving around the sti at my age ... well, all the bull$hit from every wannabe revving, cutting me off, even brake checking me and the fam while cruising down the interstate ... it gets on my nerves. Incognito would be nice, but yeah, it puts a big smile on my face when one of those priks with their expensive cars, and nose way up in the air, gets their a$$ handed to them.

  • Worked great! Ice water is your friend. It's finally home from a 5 year storage. The engine and suspension are being transplanted into my street car👍🏼

  • Such a fun build, sad to tear it apart, really. Lots of memories with a bunch of friends. At least the heart will live on.

  • Some notables.... The turbo is an HX35 off a Dodge pickup, the tranny cooler is F-150, the intake plenum is a chunk of drive shaft, tbody is off a Caddy, radiator and overflow is Honda, crank trigger wheel off a Taurus, crank sensor is Ford Focus, and intercooler pump was robbed from a weed killer tank sprayer. Great having friends at the local salvage yards.👍🏼

  • @6thplanet said:
    Some notables.... The turbo is an HX35 off a Dodge pickup, the tranny cooler is F-150, the intake plenum is a chunk of drive shaft, tbody is off a Caddy, radiator and overflow is Honda, crank trigger wheel off a Taurus, crank sensor is Ford Focus, and intercooler pump was robbed from a weed killer tank sprayer. Great having friends at the local salvage yards.👍🏼

    Thats what I'm talking about!

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  • What did you use for an ECM?

  • edited July 2022

    @6thplanet said:
    Some notables.... The turbo is an HX35 off a Dodge pickup, the tranny cooler is F-150, the intake plenum is a chunk of drive shaft, tbody is off a Caddy, radiator and overflow is Honda, crank trigger wheel off a Taurus, crank sensor is Ford Focus, and intercooler pump was robbed from a weed killer tank sprayer. Great having friends at the local salvage yards.👍🏼

    Normal people ask, "Why??"

    You - "Just hand me another 10mm socket."

  • @PWRRYD said:
    What did you use for an ECM?

    Mega squirt, like one of the first iterations.

    The Taurus/Focus magic.🤘🏼

  • I think I'm having trouble with the forum software. I keep clicking on a thread called 4" drivers and it keeps taking me to a thread about cars!! :p

  • @a4eaudio said:
    I think I'm having trouble with the forum software. I keep clicking on a thread called 4" drivers and it keeps taking me to a thread about cars!! :p

    And a never ending thread hijack to boot!

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • I'm gonna install the x-pipe on the soon, and next decent, non 78% 90 degree day I'll get back on DIY audio projects.

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  • Before anyone says anything, the weather here right now is almost identical to New Orleans right now. We usually have the same summers as most of the South.

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  • Ditto, and not looking good the rest of the week.👎🏼

  • @ugly_woofer said:

    I keep some of that in my toolbox.

  • edited July 2022

    I ordered another pair of tweeters from AliExpress to throw in the ring but honestly, I will likely use those new GRS ribbons with one pair and a pair of those small form factor SB ring radiators I bought from the owner of Audiofrog.

    That leaves me four options to pair with the last pair of 4" drivers. I will be testing all versions of the tweeters, however. If I get the exhaust done on the truck, I will switch gears to DIY audio again. Mr. Claus is bringing his little welder over one of these nights so I can get it welded up at home instead of dropping it and taking it to work.

    Also, I found a core 200-4R transmission out of an 87 Monte Carlo SS in Columbus, OH. If anyone is headed to MWAF (Springboro is a little over an hour from there) and is also headed to IowaDIY and also will have room I will pay a handsome transport fee. The carton is 30x24x24 and weighs 130 pounds.

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  • I would say, what no Muncie? ...but the way you've treated your legs.....😛

  • OK, got that X pipe installed this morning. Up next is finally getting sawdust made.

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  • rjj45kenrhodesSteve_LeejhollanderSilver1omoTurn2Nicholas_23S7910squamishdroc
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  • If it isn't too damn hot today when I get home I will do some of the driver cutouts. I decided against using that newfangled GRS-tek ribbon and SB ring radiator with these. The GRS would be a nice match to the HiVi neo midranges and the SB will look nice on my shelf until I decide to sell them for some reason. The only finishing I plan to do is sand them smooth. Whoever ends up with them can finish them how they want. I figure they will be happy regardless of how they turn out and I am never happy with how things turn out, sooo... Also, finishing them to any kind of standard will take longer per cabinet than the entire rest of the work across all six. I only have about 8 hours total into this project so far.

    Incidentally, I forgot to share a pro-tip on finishing particle board. You have to use compressed air at close range on all end grain before filling with anything.

    Anyways, moving along nicely at this point - although a friend contacted me and asked if I wanted a pair of foam rotted Bose 301 and of course I said yes. Maybe find a replacement woofer for them cheap and flip them on CL for beer money.

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  • edited July 2022

    Dang, I know someone who works at Bose....and repairs 301's all the fucking time.😛

  • @6thplanet said:
    Dang, I know someone who works at Bose....and repairs 301's all the fucking time.😛

    Gee, wonder who that could be?

    I just plan on sticking something like a GRS or Goldwood in them. Most people ain't gonna tell the difference nohow.

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  • re: I am never happy with how things turn out
    You and me both, bro!

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • edited July 2022

    Parts Express Speaker Surround Re-Foam Repair Kit For Bose 301/JBL 116H

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    Parts Express Speaker Surround Re-Foam Repair Kit For Bose 301/JBL 116H

    ... depending on how much they were playing with out surrounds....those poor voice coils...side note, they have a six layer coil.

  • I have re-foamed them before and it went pretty well. The pair I had done were not run with the bad foam.

  • So here is a formal side by side using WinISD. Other than adding 0.5 ohm series resistance, changing default port diameter from 4.01" to 1.625", and modeling at 10W - rest of settings are as-is.

    Phase plug driver in green, carbon fiber driver in red, and aluminum cone driver in blue.

    Transfer function. Don't let saddle fool you, they are still less than 3db of variation and let's be honest here - how accurate are models when speakers are subject to multiple influences outside of the enclosure tuning. Anyways, all three offer useful output into the 40's. Should serve very well for nearfield use depending on linearity in the midrange passband.

    Excursion. Obviously the aluminum driver leads the pack in cone control below tuning, but all three have above average cone control for vented drivers - although I have noticed on these smaller drivers that is more common than larger drivers. The tradeoff is a similar size cabinet to 5-6" drivers. The benefit is similar bass extension to the larger drivers and due to cabinet size constraints a larger roundover can be used (I will be using 1-1/4" on these). Downside is of course less output than the 5-6" models, xmax dependent.

    Anechoic max SPL at 10W. Not going to blow the rafters off since all three will be about 88db after baffle step losses. On the other hand, whoever ends up with them will likely put them on a desk or up against a wall so maybe more of a 3db correction is in order.

    Vent velocity ain't no thang on these.

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  • I completely fucked up every tweeter cutout, guess I should have spent some time learning the new metric jasper jig. I ended up using black RTV and gluing them all in, hell with it. These are effectively an experiment so whatever.

    Hopefully get everything lined up and start measuring.

    Oh, I also dropped one of the damn woofers and wrecked it so I took it apart. Raised spider, 5mm top plate, black anodized pole piece, ~15mm voice coil for overall overhand Xmax of 5mm. That's not too bad, really. Nothing groundbreaking there except for longer throw than most budget woofers of this size class.

    This was one of the regular black anodized aluminum cone drivers. Not sure I'll order a replacement, see how it measures.

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  • That empty speaker basket will make a nice magnetic potted plant holder for the back of your car, man - don't sweat-it.

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