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This build will be using the Dayton DSA 8" woofer, that new HiVi 3" dome, and the GRS/Fountek knockoff round faceplate ribbon tweeter.
The woofer models pretty well in 1 cubic foot, tuned to 40Hz. Models done at 20W and 0.5ohm added series resistance. F3/6/10 of 39/34/30.
In this alignment, it does not exceed advertised Xmax until 29Hz, comfortably below most music content. Anechoic SPL at 20W of 100db.
This would be 94db after full baffle step losses. A typical 85db listening level requires just a couple of watts and cone excursion is under control well in to infrasonic territory. This should be a cranker build.
The dome is new to DIY so performance remains to be seen. It isn't exactly cheap, however.
I am going to poke the bear a bit - this will be named "O'Ryan" in honor of my Irish heritage and as a play on words with PE pulling their naming stunt on their 3-way kit.
Anyways, this marks 3 active projects which is enough for the year. I am targeting all sawdust done by end of March and then the process of developing three different crossovers.
This one will definitely be at Iowa along with that SB/Hiq build.
I used the DSA215-8 in the Evil Barbs. I think my boxes were .85 cu. ft. tuned to 43Hz.
Keep in mind this is an internal/working name. I will name it something more benign when the time comes.
"O'Malleys", should do it . . .
I say keep it O'Ryan!
InDIYana Event Website
This might be the year of 8" 3ways. My own should be starting soon. And I say keep the ORyan!
Interestingly, my grandma on my dad's side was a Malley.
The people have spoken. O'Ryan it is.
Potatoes O'Brien
One of my favorite sides, actually.
Looking forward to another great build.
8" showed up today. Still waiting on the mids.
Kind of the look I am aiming for. Might even paint a damn cloverleaf on them
Looks like these are going to be about 22" tall by 10.5" wide and 11" or 12" deep?
Roughly. I drew them 11.5 wide.
JR it's a box, are you sure about that?
I've booked a cnc.
Oofdah, Bigass dome mid.
Izzat your big HiVi 3 inch dome?
Cool - Looking forward to your findings/opinion of its performance.
This project is currently in Brad's capable hands getting the cabinets built. Not sure of timeline, but shouldn't take long. Hope to have these buttoned up mid to late March.
Courtesy of Mr. Smith.
Those domes are a temptress to little fingers
Fortunately not a lot of little fingers here or in the studio I hope these to end up living.
That combination of drivers looks really nice together! Will you be taking and posting distortion measurements? I'm curious about that DSA215 in an 8in two-way with a robust tweeter than can xo at 2khz or even lower.
I usually post system distortion plots, but I can certainly post the plots I take for my design work. Mostly just meaningful to my methodology, though.
Interested to see FR and distortion plots on that grapefruit dome.
I'll share what I get, not a problem.
Just remember I take those plots as part of my method - they should not be confused with Zaph or HiFi Compass.