If you came in close with a macro lens, put the camera on a tripod, and then added just the right amount of side and back lighting, I think you could make the surround look like a picturesque early morning mountain range and valley scene! Would make for a very interesting photographic challenge!
It was one of those drivers where I had to double check the voltage because it didn’t sound loud enough.
Brad, did you throw the purifi on the big board? interested in seeing the details of it.
Maybe later sometime later. I’m doing full measurements with the cabinets now.
MCM 55-5660
Copper Nip-Tweeter
Wavecor TW013WA01-13
Dang - that thing is tiny!
The schnazzy copper nipple showed well. Not bad for $25 a pair - or less.
That MCM is also fairly impressive, wonder what causes that peaking in 2nd order distortion. Might give it a nice, warm character to the midrange.
With a little care, it could damn near be used as a full-ranger.
Purfi PTT6.5x-04-NFA-01B
Jeebus !!
+10 !
I recommend a grill.
I will say the performance and sound of them takes the ugly away.
Rodney Dangerfield had an appropriate suggestion…
Wont say much, saw them . Not sure what else I can say. I didnt ask much , wasnt my business
Meh, there is much worse out there IMO. I think they did pretty well at minimizing the ugliness.
They do sound quite good in Brad's bookshelves too. "No Money No Problem"...
InDIYana Event Website
Depends on what you’re looking at:
Nope, still ugly.
Any better?
Looks like a great design - the woofer is just ugly, sorry.
Maybe take some black silicone and smooth the surrounds over a bit?
I always thought those surrounds looked like something that was left in a hot car too long.
They look like the inverted image of a CSD graph to me and that may be how that surround shape came into being . . .
Tire tread
Topographical map
I think they look great.
Me too. I saw them in a Salk cabinet a couple years ago and they look high tech rather than an accident
If you came in close with a macro lens, put the camera on a tripod, and then added just the right amount of side and back lighting, I think you could make the surround look like a picturesque early morning mountain range and valley scene! Would make for a very interesting photographic challenge!