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Anyone heard or used Visaton W250S-8?

Like the title says.  I'm looking for a 10" woofer that can play to 1000 or so Hz.


  • PWRRYD said:
    Like the title says.  I'm looking for a 10" woofer that can play to 1000 or so Hz.
    I have has very hit-or-miss luck with visaton. The little 2" full range measures better than the peerless/Tymphany 2" mid, but some other drivers have been WAY off spec, though FR is always very good. 

    They are built well enough materialy speaking and the 5" version of this driver worked well for me and was fairly close to spec. Don't know if that translates through the series. 

    Clear as mud? 
  • Haven't heard that one, but it has decent potential if specs are close.  The Peerless 10" SLS sub and the Dayton SD-270 are both more known quantities for that application and cost less...
    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • PWRRYD said:
    Like the title says.  I'm looking for a 10" woofer that can play to 1000 or so Hz.
    I have has very hit-or-miss luck with visaton. The little 2" full range measures better than the peerless/Tymphany 2" mid, but some other drivers have been WAY off spec, though FR is always very good. 

    They are built well enough materialy speaking and the 5" version of this driver worked well for me and was fairly close to spec. Don't know if that translates through the series. 

    Clear as mud? 
    Ive had a few of the visaton tweets and mids in the shop in the last year. The tweets had the worst thd and build quality that I had seen. Totally unusable. The 5" mid was ok and did match fairly well unit to unit, but did not meet posted specs. 
  • Thanks guys!  I'm going to look for a better 10" woofer, a much better 10".  My limit is about $100 each.  I won a pair of 10" waveguides 3D printed by DanP at Indiana 2 years ago.  I have a pair of RS28A and a pair of RS28F tweeters.  I want to build a badass 2 way tower, so I can live with 1.5 to 2.5 cubic foot (11" wide baffle).  It might even be active with a MiniDSP...
  • Yeah good suggestion.  Maybe even the 12's...
  • The Dayton DSA270 looks like it would work, unless it is wildly off-spec.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Craig, I haven't used the Visaton you linked but I do own this model and it should fit your need. These are the ones I'll eventually pair with the HiVi RT1.3, and that combo blends nicely in the preliminary listening I've done.

    I have the woofers modeled in Unibox, so I can find that and post it if you want. IIRC its a pair in 2 cubes ported with an Fb of 15Hz for a nice SQ roll off around 50Hz or so.
  • Ive had a few of the visaton tweets and mids in the shop in the last year. The tweets had the worst thd and build quality that I had seen. Totally unusable. The 5" mid was ok and did match fairly well unit to unit, but did not meet posted specs. 
    Yeaaaah...I had better measurable results hand-winding my own tweeter voice coils with braces wire, drunk, than with Visaton tweeters.
  • Cool project.  Maybe and MTM to bump the sensitivity.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • edited October 2017
    I think a 10" MTM would ROCK!
  • I bought 2  dayton rs270p-4's craig. I plan to do the same with the denovo waveguides. I have to get the cabinet together and send you the files. Says it crosses prtty high but it definately will meet with the waveguide. 
  • I'm kinda leaning towards a MT with the Peerless SLS 10" Scott mentioned.  It even plays well in a sealed enclosure and has enough xmax to allow a little low end boost.  Might go full active with the MiniDSP.
  • I used the RS270's UpTo 1K in the 442's ; sealed
  • Sorry Scott , I didn't see your post before I posted mine.
    You are unbelievable Nick.  I don't know why we put up with you....

    Just kidding!  Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Sorry guys for even starting this thread.  After listening to my Hybrid OB project for a couple hours last night, it sounded so awesome in several ways it reminded me I want to pursue a bigger and better Hybrid OB speaker.  This time with at least a high quality 8" woofer either sealed or ported, at least a 5.25" open baffle cone mid, and at least a RS28A or Vifa XT25 monopole tweeter.  I even have a pair of those Pur200 dipole planars (Neo 8 knockoffs).  This project would be targeted to be ready for Indy 2018.
  • "So awesome in several ways"... 

    Please elaborate! Its ok to talk about the attributes you like about them. I am interested, anyway...  :p
  • Anything on the bottom end would work.  A 5 or 6 inch mid on a narrow baffle is a great single mid with a tweeter that can get down to 1,500 Hz.

    My next OB (if I can get over the horns) is multiple 2 inch mids on a narrow baffle with a small format tweeter like the ND25.

    I still like your horn Idea, but with maybe a home build conical horn and a peerless tweeter crossed at 1K
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • So basically you need this...
  • Yes I do!  What size is your mid?
  • That's a HiVi D5G. Those sounded very good at MWAF...
  • D8 ported@35Hz,D5,neo3, thanks Ben  ;)
  • Also you could be....
  • which project is this and what drivers?
  • Nice!  Are those Dayton RS with polished phase plugs?
  • wooooooooow those look great!!
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • Would have been fun to hear Adam's black and aluminum speakers against Eric's yellow HiVi at this years MWAF
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • They sounded great at CKY-DIY last fall.
  • Scratch that- that was 2 years ago!
  • Hopefully I will have a chance for some good conversation with John H. in Iowa next weekend regarding OB mid design.
  • PWRRYD said:
    Hopefully I will have a chance for some good conversation with John H. in Iowa next weekend regarding OB mid design.
    I'm pretty sure @jhollander isn't attending.  :(
    My signature goes here
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