@DrewsBrews said:
I'd knock it, but hey even I drink it sometimes. Actually reminds me of regular Tekate.
Which reminded me of something else.. has anyone had a michelada? A drink made of primarily beer with other flavorings/spices/sauces added (often savory with lime to add some sour). Many variations. I've yet to try one, but been interested ever since I watched a whole episode about it on a Mexican street food show.
Yes, not my favorite drink, but a simple lemon, salt, tajin mix can be quite refreshing.
The regular Clausthaler is my favorite NA bier, but hard to locate in the boonies of NE Iowa. So the Heineken 0.0 is my regular NA choice. Would like to try the Guinness NA.
My father tipped me off to some wild hops he found yesterday while hiking down a power line access road next to a local park. So I met up with him today to hike back in there. Luckily they started to dry out, which means they were ready for picking! Freakin score! Got 2lbs to make a brew with. I bet there were 20lbs worth out there, at least. Have no way to tell the alpha acids or anything so going to be a total experiment.
@silverD said:
Cleaning the basement and I found this mixed in with empties that I used in the past for home brewing. It probably is approaching 10 years old.
That could either be really good or really bad
@jr@mac said:
Doing my part to cure the wife of a nasty case of COVID.
When you run into a Stranahan down at the neighborhood Clark Store, Clark population 491 +/- , https://www.clarkstore.com/ ) and he has one of these in his hand….
Brewed with the wild hops today. 12lbs of pale malt extract and used all the wild hops we picked. Think this will be like a barley wine if the yeast are up to the task. Poured in two packs of Wyeast 1272 All American Ale liquid yeast and a Servomyces nutrient tab. Had to strain it out a bunch to get the mountain of hops out. Which made if foam up a bit. Hopefully that oxygenated it enough. The yeasty boys need oxygen and nutrients to gobble up that much sugar. Should come out around 8-9%
Put in some of the wild hops half way in the boil. The boiling liquid made a mountain and burst through. So I'm going to call the beer "Hopcano"
I am afraid of brewing my own beer - not because I'll cock it up (a definite possibility, of course) but because I will approach it like I do DIY audio. Next thing you know my listening room will be all stainless and I will be brewing illegal amounts left and right. I'll be $10,000 out of pocket and still not know anything about it.
I am envious of people who can keep their hobbies at a reasonable scale.
Yeah to a certain extent you can make the hobby as cheap or expensive as you want. At one point I had 3 glass carboys along with the bucket fermenter going at the same time to stock up for my own Beerfest that I threw. So that was about 20gal ~200 bottles. I think the typical big half barrel keg is about 15gal.
Though, I scaled back and sold off two of the carboys years ago. The main thing that keeps my hobbies in check is my hefty lazy streak lol. I'm just not very interested in doing all the grain mashing and such. Going all-extract keeps it down to the hour boil, wort cooldown, and cleanup. Just a few hours in total instead of probably twice as long or more when working with grain.
Sometimes I even think of doing smaller than 5gal batches. When doing a really potent beer, 50 bottles of it can be a bit much and take a while to get through. Especially if you don't have friends or family quite as adventurous into beer as you are.
Everyone tells me after bottling their first batch they went to kegging. I never got past bottling. I didn't want to deal with all the extra equipment. Also you aren't forced to drink one batch at a time, or however many kegs you have. Bottles are easy to build up a stock of. So you can brew several different batches and slowly whittle them down as you see fit.
I know a guy who use to make his own moonshine. He gave it up and sold his DIY still after his wife came home for the second time and found him passed out drunk from "taste testing" his run. He gave me a baby fruit jar of it to try. One sip and I poured the rest down the drain.
@PWRRYD said:
I know a guy who use to make his own moonshine. He gave it up and sold his DIY still after his wife came home for the second time and found him passed out drunk from "taste testing" his run. He gave me a baby fruit jar of it to try. One sip and I poured the rest down the drain.
Lol usually I just see them wetting their finger with the drips/stream to taste, not taking swigs.
And yeah that stuff straight outa the still without aging on anything can be pretty rough tasting (to me atleast). I think that is the origin of the "old Fashioned".. making nasty tasting spirits drinkable.
Yeah if good cuts are made I'm sure it is better. But there are those who are good at things, then there is everyone else. I must have got one of those "everyone else". They probably combined everything except the first drippings.
Anybody going to Iowa this year that would like to try this with me. I’m not a Brandy drinker but my wife acquired a new friend and her husband is a big alcohol distributor so I got it free and I want to try it and if I don’t like it you can have it
I'm not a Cognac drinker, but found a review of the Courvoisier VS. Kind of reminds me of some of the high end speaker reviews. At least it isn't a veiled blanket.
Mild oak and almond aromas lead the nose. Dried fig, raisin and baked apple sit beneath a light blanket of vanilla, exiting with brisk baking spice and a flicker of alcohol heat.
@Ed_Perkins said:
I'm not a Cognac drinker, but found a review of the Courvoisier VS. Kind of reminds me of some of the high end speaker reviews. At least it isn't a veiled blanket.
Mild oak and almond aromas lead the nose. Dried fig, raisin and baked apple sit beneath a light blanket of vanilla, exiting with brisk baking spice and a flicker of alcohol heat.
I like his idea to have the bar be against the wall. I never really thought a typical bar that separates you from everyone else really fit with the more personal setting of a home where you are going to be with friends and family. It also takes up alot of space that you could have for better seating. Though I understand why folks would want to more fully emulate commercial bars for the "cool factor".
Yes, not my favorite drink, but a simple lemon, salt, tajin mix can be quite refreshing.
The regular Clausthaler is my favorite NA bier, but hard to locate in the boonies of NE Iowa. So the Heineken 0.0 is my regular NA choice. Would like to try the Guinness NA.
Have not had a NA in a long time. Did not like what I taste. Prefer the full Monty, no decaf coffee , no NA beer.
Cleaning the basement and I found this mixed in with empties that I used in the past for home brewing. It probably is approaching 10 years old.
Doing my part to cure the wife of a nasty case of COVID.
My father tipped me off to some wild hops he found yesterday while hiking down a power line access road next to a local park. So I met up with him today to hike back in there. Luckily they started to dry out, which means they were ready for picking! Freakin score! Got 2lbs to make a brew with. I bet there were 20lbs worth out there, at least. Have no way to tell the alpha acids or anything so going to be a total experiment.
Laid out to start drying further
That could either be really good or really bad
Lagavulin 16 - excellent!
It is supposed to be chunky...r... right?
My wife loves me.
It was ok and there was a bit if sediment.
Generally not a fan of Irish Whiskey but I really enjoyed this one.
When you run into a Stranahan down at the neighborhood Clark Store, Clark population 491 +/- ,
https://www.clarkstore.com/ ) and he has one of these in his hand….
Brewed with the wild hops today. 12lbs of pale malt extract and used all the wild hops we picked. Think this will be like a barley wine if the yeast are up to the task. Poured in two packs of Wyeast 1272 All American Ale liquid yeast and a Servomyces nutrient tab. Had to strain it out a bunch to get the mountain of hops out. Which made if foam up a bit. Hopefully that oxygenated it enough. The yeasty boys need oxygen and nutrients to gobble up that much sugar. Should come out around 8-9%
Put in some of the wild hops half way in the boil. The boiling liquid made a mountain and burst through. So I'm going to call the beer "Hopcano"
I am afraid of brewing my own beer - not because I'll cock it up (a definite possibility, of course) but because I will approach it like I do DIY audio. Next thing you know my listening room will be all stainless and I will be brewing illegal amounts left and right. I'll be $10,000 out of pocket and still not know anything about it.
I am envious of people who can keep their hobbies at a reasonable scale.
Yeah to a certain extent you can make the hobby as cheap or expensive as you want. At one point I had 3 glass carboys along with the bucket fermenter going at the same time to stock up for my own Beerfest that I threw. So that was about 20gal ~200 bottles. I think the typical big half barrel keg is about 15gal.
Though, I scaled back and sold off two of the carboys years ago. The main thing that keeps my hobbies in check is my hefty lazy streak lol. I'm just not very interested in doing all the grain mashing and such. Going all-extract keeps it down to the hour boil, wort cooldown, and cleanup. Just a few hours in total instead of probably twice as long or more when working with grain.
Sometimes I even think of doing smaller than 5gal batches. When doing a really potent beer, 50 bottles of it can be a bit much and take a while to get through. Especially if you don't have friends or family quite as adventurous into beer as you are.
Everyone tells me after bottling their first batch they went to kegging. I never got past bottling. I didn't want to deal with all the extra equipment. Also you aren't forced to drink one batch at a time, or however many kegs you have. Bottles are easy to build up a stock of. So you can brew several different batches and slowly whittle them down as you see fit.
I know a guy who use to make his own moonshine. He gave it up and sold his DIY still after his wife came home for the second time and found him passed out drunk from "taste testing" his run. He gave me a baby fruit jar of it to try. One sip and I poured the rest down the drain.
Crappy vid but you get the idea. Chuggin along.
Lol usually I just see them wetting their finger with the drips/stream to taste, not taking swigs.
And yeah that stuff straight outa the still without aging on anything can be pretty rough tasting (to me atleast). I think that is the origin of the "old Fashioned".. making nasty tasting spirits drinkable.
Actually, the hearts are very sweet tasting.
Yeah if good cuts are made I'm sure it is better. But there are those who are good at things, then there is everyone else. I must have got one of those "everyone else". They probably combined everything except the first drippings.
Anybody going to Iowa this year that would like to try this with me. I’m not a Brandy drinker but my wife acquired a new friend and her husband is a big alcohol distributor so I got it free and I want to try it and if I don’t like it you can have it
I'm happy to try it. I like Brandy- Cognac and Port. Generally in small quantities.
I’ll bring it.
I'm not a Cognac drinker, but found a review of the Courvoisier VS. Kind of reminds me of some of the high end speaker reviews. At least it isn't a veiled blanket.
Mild oak and almond aromas lead the nose. Dried fig, raisin and baked apple sit beneath a light blanket of vanilla, exiting with brisk baking spice and a flicker of alcohol heat.
That's pretty typical for alcohol reviews.
I'll have a dram, Brad. I like Cognac.
Unfortunately my home bar looks like this currently.

Have faux brick panels for one wall and wainscoting around the other walls.
Going for old fashioned Irish/English pub look.
Pre-lunch snack.
Gha I want a shed pub so bad..
I like his idea to have the bar be against the wall. I never really thought a typical bar that separates you from everyone else really fit with the more personal setting of a home where you are going to be with friends and family. It also takes up alot of space that you could have for better seating. Though I understand why folks would want to more fully emulate commercial bars for the "cool factor".