I was hoping to spend my evening putting together this set of Piccolos, but I realized my crossover isn't gonna fit where I wanted it because of how I laid out the parts.
If you can swing it, that 18 year old Glenlivet is superb. Extremely complex on the nose and palate with a lingering finish. Can drink it straight up and not regret it. As a general rule, good to great Scotch is bottled at the 12 year mark since forever now and most of the older stuff I've had takes on too much of the oak after sitting for so long, but this one does not have that subtle bitterness that the tannins can impart. Just a straight up amazing whisky.
This was gifted to me by my realtor when we closed on our house. We personally bought a bottle of 18yr Glenmorangie to celebrate. That is a superb whisky but not in the same class as this one.
Ok guys, I need some assistance. I have a favor to ask to mainly the Iowains. My precious Fire Water is no longer available. I contacted the company that last sold the stuff, Sazorac. They informed me the last shipment went to the Iowa Department of Commerce back in 2022.
If you'd be kind enough to ask your local liquor stores if they have any still sitting around, I'll gladly reimburse generously.
I've exhausted every avenue I can think of online short of just randomly calling stores in Iowa. Any help is of course appreciated!
Holy f@%* batman, the amount of shoveling I did at work today... Then come home and blow snow for an hour with even more shoveling on top of that. Good times.
Makes that second (or 3rd) adult refreshment taste that much better... The elves put shovel wax in my stocking this year- the worst is wet snow when you toss it and it sticks to your shovel. I haven’t tried it yet- don’t know if its really ‘a thing’, but worth a try
I was hoping to spend my evening putting together this set of Piccolos, but I realized my crossover isn't gonna fit where I wanted it because of how I laid out the parts.
So this is happening. A little balm on the wound.
I'm enjoying a couple drams of Caol Ila Islay Scotch. If you like the smoky stuff, this fits the bill.
On occasion. I lean toward a bourbon that tastes like licking a marble slab.
Whistlepig PiggyBack 100% rye. If you like rye, you will like this one. Perfectly spicy.

I've had the 10yr. Even for my less experienced pallet that stuff is dang good.
Here we have a somewhat less refined but still drinkable 100% rye:

Some coffee beers. Quite good I think.
Last nights pour - Bowmore 15yr.

Huge fans of MST3K here, wife got me shot glasses and whisky laced caramels as stocking stuffers.
Christmas liquor. Be well, all.
If you can swing it, that 18 year old Glenlivet is superb. Extremely complex on the nose and palate with a lingering finish. Can drink it straight up and not regret it. As a general rule, good to great Scotch is bottled at the 12 year mark since forever now and most of the older stuff I've had takes on too much of the oak after sitting for so long, but this one does not have that subtle bitterness that the tannins can impart. Just a straight up amazing whisky.
This was gifted to me by my realtor when we closed on our house. We personally bought a bottle of 18yr Glenmorangie to celebrate. That is a superb whisky but not in the same class as this one.
And whiskey sour it is.
Dropped the egg white and added a bit of soda water.
How is that whiskey when taken neat?
Here is what I plan on pouring tonight:
Been awhile since I pulled the cork on this one.
Sweeter than I prefer, but can't complain for the price.
I’m cheap and simple.
Now I crave a bloody Mary...
Lua Brewing is a downtown Des Moines brewery. Alcohol content seems low. Sure took the edge off a rough weekend though.
Ok guys, I need some assistance. I have a favor to ask to mainly the Iowains. My precious Fire Water is no longer available. I contacted the company that last sold the stuff, Sazorac. They informed me the last shipment went to the Iowa Department of Commerce back in 2022.
If you'd be kind enough to ask your local liquor stores if they have any still sitting around, I'll gladly reimburse generously.
I've exhausted every avenue I can think of online short of just randomly calling stores in Iowa. Any help is of course appreciated!
If this is what you're looking for there's a "where to find it" link here.
No, this

Getting cross-eyed tonight with my favorite IPA (and no, not why I am selling most of my headphones)...
Founders for the win!
Don’t get to wobbly you have shoveling to do tomorrow.😔
Yeah, that's the truth. I'll behave.
Holy fuck the amount of shoveling I did at work today... Then come home and blow snow for an hour with even more shoveling on top of that. Good times.
Get to do some more tomorrow, so got that going for me.
Yeah I was really starting to like this SD winter. Now back to the same ol shit.💩
Makes that second (or 3rd) adult refreshment taste that much better... The elves put shovel wax in my stocking this year- the worst is wet snow when you toss it and it sticks to your shovel. I haven’t tried it yet- don’t know if its really ‘a thing’, but worth a try