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Winter plans

So, in addition to the build my wife and I are going to aprtner on - I am planning an additional two projects over the coming months. 

1. T/M using MCM 6-1/2" KB woofer and the 1" aluminum dome tweeter

2. TMW using MCM 6-1/2" KB woofer, 3" KB midrange, and the so-called small flange 1" aluminum dome tweeter. 

Both will be using the 0.56 Denovo cabinets. The T/M will be a straightforward construction, easy to duplicate. The TMW I plan on doing a 1-1/8" thick faceted baffle. 

I am also going to assist brother Nick on a nifty project he has in the works, we hope to be done with that one by Iowa. 

So yeah... 

Max Fidelity + Seas TM
MCM 55-2669 + 53-5165 TM
MCM 55-5665 + 53-5165 TM
MCM 55-5665 + 55-5650 + 53-5150 TMW

So that is my winter plans, guys. Get all the sawdust out of the way this weekend or first weekend after Iowa.

What are you guys doing this winter? 

I have a signature.


  • I am going to have a late start for this winter. The only item I have on my list is my entry for InDIYana, but I am having difficulty selecting what to do....

    Right now I am in the process of finishing the active speakers for IOWA. I wanted to finish the Galactic Empires in time for KY DIY, but that is not going to happen (the finish is not going to happen, and maybe even the event).
  • Some of this and some of that. I'm researching how-to's on amp building, have 3 builds either in process or design stage, and a whole lot of honey-do's on the interior of the house. 
  • Honey do's for sure. I have alot of drivers laying around now. I'm going to try and swing a mtm with the McM 5-1/4 aluminum truncated woofers from Jr with a truncated rs28f flush mounted I hate myself, I need to do something with the rs28a and denovo waveguide and I need to do something with the vifa ne149 5-1/4 neo woofers and sb29 I got from Jr to. I might save the sb29 and vifa for an attempt at a midrange price point 3way. 
  • Complete gut job bathroom remodel with me doing all the work.  Electrical done, floor joist reinforced, drain and water pipes done, drywall is in, down to taping, texturing, and a ton of tiling.

    Electrical rework in the attic from the bathroom remodel

    Indiana project, scaled back, 97 dB F3 of 45, bass trap (like Bill) guitar finish

    DT #1 project with BR-1 cabinet (love that cabinet for the $) F3 of 40.

    B452 rework with TB 4 incher

    B652 rework with Focal Kevlar woofers

    Get rid of my excess stock of caps, cheap drivers, and purple speakers.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Two new tube amps, one new ClassDaudio amp, a TMW tower with higher than ave cost drivers, and a tower TMWW with high value drivers.
  • Work on my 3-way Coaxial design, Possibly build a new desk-top and matching speaker stands, probably do a headphone stand while I'm at it. 

    With Intel's Kaby Lake preliminarily performing VERY well, I'll start buying up parts for a build (i7, OC'ing mobo, 64GB DDR4, 3 NVMe M.2 drives, GTX 1080 (Ti pending) or two... considering an in-desk computer build, always wanted to do one. 

    Anyone ever done any Yakisugi or Shou Sugi Ban wood finish???
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • edited October 2016
    Beston dipolar, pla200(in an OB) and 2 anarchys(in a BR) a tmww.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Work on my 3-way Coaxial design, Possibly build a new desk-top and matching speaker stands, probably do a headphone stand while I'm at it. 

    With Intel's Kaby Lake preliminarily performing VERY well, I'll start buying up parts for a build (i7, OC'ing mobo, 64GB DDR4, 3 NVMe M.2 drives, GTX 1080 (Ti pending) or two... considering an in-desk computer build, always wanted to do one. 

    Anyone ever done any Yakisugi or Shou Sugi Ban wood finish???
    I did some charred wood experiments on long leaf pine with a propane torch.  On a small piece the color looked blotchy until you got to a deep burned surface.  I did burned and water blasted as well.  
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • D1PP1N said:
    Honey do's for sure. I have alot of drivers laying around now. I'm going to try and swing a mtm with the McM 5-1/4 aluminum truncated woofers from Jr with a truncated rs28f flush mounted I hate myself, I need to do something with the rs28a and denovo waveguide and I need to do something with the vifa ne149 5-1/4 neo woofers and sb29 I got from Jr to. I might save the sb29 and vifa for an attempt at a midrange price point 3way. 
    Hey Mike, I did an MTM with those exact drivers. When I flush mounted them, I cheated and cut circles and back-filled the empty areas with Bond-O. Bryan did the same thing. It is easier than making a jig. Some information available here.
    I have a signature.
  • I tried to backfill with plastic wood - it crumbled when i pushed the drivers out  :'(

    I also used masking tape on the drivers....
  • jr@mac said:
    Hey Mike, I did an MTM with those exact drivers. When I flush mounted them, I cheated and cut circles and back-filled the empty areas with Bond-O. Bryan did the same thing. It is easier than making a jig. Some information available here.
    Ah yeh I didnt think about that. I was just going to trace the drivers on a 1/4 piece of mdf and scroll saw the holes out. Then copy that with a bearing bit. 

    You went sealed right? I have a 1cf cabinet kicking around I but I know it's on the large side for these woofers. Did you like the driver combo?
  • Everybody liked the driver combo. Box details are in that thread I linked to. 
    I have a signature.
  • Thanks JR. It wasn't loading for some reason in my phone but it finally did.  If you don'the mind I would like to build your version. 
  • Not a problem - enjoy!
    I have a signature.
  • ani_101 said:
    I tried to backfill with plastic wood - it crumbled when i pushed the drivers out  :'(

    I also used masking tape on the drivers....
    Yeah, the Bondo worked pretty good. I used some masking tape around the edge of the driver, as well. Let it cure for a good 24 hours prior to removing the driver. 

    I have a signature.
  • jr@mac said:
    Yeah, the Bondo worked pretty good. I used some masking tape around the edge of the driver, as well. Let it cure for a good 24 hours prior to removing the driver. 

    Thanks JR

    I might try it again... Regards
  • I'm thinking about making a poor man's "continuum" with them. Rear mount just as Jeff did and use a less expensive tweet as well, maybe my favorite Peerless  $30 jobbie.
  • That's a great idea Chuck, I'd love to hear that.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Veneering the speakers that I'm bringing to Iowa is the only audio related item on my winter to do list. The bulk of the season is going to be spent painting a giant horde of 15mm Russian Kazachy for the WWII era wargame I play. Come spring sawdust will commence on the HiVi/Visaton MTM 10" two way.

    Chuck, that's an interesting design idea that I'd be interested in hearing. Will they also be built to the BBC spec?
  • Probably a bit of a variation of it. Mine will be ported but much like the ls3/5a, will be designed for semi close near wall boundry. They may end up as replacements for my living room tv speakers.
  • Am I the only one who doesn't think Continuum is the best thing since sliced bread? For a Jeff design, I feel the Triton smoked it.
    I have a signature.
  • Nope feel the same way JR. It does have a very good midrange, but the overall, I like the Triton much more. I just want to poke a little fun at it :)
  • Looks like I may need my knee fixed again and I'm having an issue with a hernia repair, FML...

    After that's taken care of, I have the parts for Eminence's 8" sub/passive rads that I'd like to put together for my PC rig.

    I'd also like to build new cabinets for the UM18's in my HT.  I'm using old Tannoy cabinets with new baffles added onto them.  What's planned is building a pair of cabinets that would be shorter and make more practical end tables than a pair of 18" deep, 32" tall, 24" wide monkey coffins.
  • My roommate in college has an all original Isetta.
  • Face said:
    Looks like I may need my knee fixed again and I'm having an issue with a hernia repair, FML...

    After that's taken care of, I have the parts for Eminence's 8" sub/passive rads that I'd like to put together for my PC rig.

    I'd also like to build new cabinets for the UM18's in my HT.  I'm using old Tannoy cabinets with new baffles added onto them.  What's planned is building a pair of cabinets that would be shorter and make more practical end tables than a pair of 18" deep, 32" tall, 24" wide monkey coffins.
    Bummer on the body issues. How do you like the Ultimax 18" subs? I will need 1 or 2 subs within the next year and the 12" Dayton HF's weren't cutting it. I wouldn't mind having an end table or two with a sub. Would you face the sub down ward or on a side?
  • D1PP1N said:
    Bummer on the body issues. How do you like the Ultimax 18" subs? I will need 1 or 2 subs within the next year and the 12" Dayton HF's weren't cutting it. I wouldn't mind having an end table or two with a sub. Would you face the sub down ward or on a side?
    I really enjoy them.  Each is sealed and running off a bridged XTI2002.  I wish I had space for two more so I could add some more ULF.

    They're front firing.
  • Ok thanks, do they get loud with lower power levels too or do you need gobs of power. That Dayton 2chanmel dsp sub looks interesting for sure but I haven't saw or read reviews. You think 500w plate amps with boost would suffice?
  • The Bash 500 plate amp or the Berhinger 3000dsp amp would work very well Mike. The Bash has resistors that can be switch out to give different levels of boost and freq, They are kind of a pain to get to on the board though. The Berry amp works pretty darn well and the dsp is hard to beat. 
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