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  • Cheaper to hit on smaller women - you might get lucky . . .

  • Happy Father's day too all the dads hanging out here.

    I have a signature.
  • My hometown cousin who now lives in the Phoenix area made the trek to I-70 Speedway in Missouri yesterday. Sometimes life's a beotch. :s

    Different category runs today. Plucked these from the live feed and one shot from my brother.

  • Nice R/T and only a thou from perfect

  • Happy Father's Day brothers

  • edited June 16

    @PWRRYD said:
    Nice R/T and only a thou from perfect

    Opened with a win today. 8.905

    I'd post the burnout but "file not allowed" says no. Maybe I can extract the audio. =)

    Mike learned most of what he knows from my uncle, the infamous Panama Zipper.

  • You can create a YouTube account and upload there. We can embed YouTube video here.

    I have a signature.
  • edited June 16
  • I can smell the rubber burning!
    I'm definitely overdue to be back at a strip.
    Plans to go-to the vintage grand prix at Mid Ohio this weekend!

  • Sounds like Reed Timmer will be around my area tomorrow. Watch those sky’s

  • Pretty awesome t-storm going on. Woke me up at 1:00AM and unlikely to get back to sleep.
    So I ordered a AGM battery and a big inverter to serve as a sump backup power supply.

    I have a signature.
  • I'll add a trickle charger to the mix, as well.

    I have a signature.
  • Red-lighted in the next round, after some gamesmanship by the other driver. :/ Man, the margins in a lot of those races is razor thin.

  • @jr@mac said:
    I'll add a trickle charger to the mix, as well.

    Thanks for the reminder that my battery maintainer died and I need a replacement - This one any good for the money?

  • That looks similar to the one I've been eyeballing.

    I have a signature.
  • edited June 17

    @jr@mac said:
    Pretty awesome t-storm going on. Woke me up at 1:00AM and unlikely to get back to sleep.

    We woke up just after 1:00AM to the AC compressor making a hell of a racket outside the bedroom window. Turned off the AC and went out to see what was going on. I found the bottom of the compressor was wall to wall walnut shells and on closer inspection found fresh shredded mouse parts around the fan guard. I think all the noise was a walnut shell the mouse was chewing on when the AC kicked in. The fan kept it bouncing around until we turned the AC off and it dropped to the bottom of the compressor. One we turned the AC on again it was fine.

  • I'm also planning on installing a water powered back up sump pump. I have too much invested in my basement to flood it.

    I have a signature.
  • What is a water powered sump pump, JR?

  • So, does it use the municipal water intake/flow to the home as a power pumping energy souce like an induction pump?

  • When we built our house I had them put a floor drain right next to the sump pit.

  • @jr@mac said:
    I'm also planning on installing a water powered back up sump pump. I have too much invested in my basement to flood it.

    I have a water powered backup sump pump also and it works well when needed. Thankfully its been rare. However I highly recommend it.


  • @Ron_E said:
    When we built our house I had them put a floor drain right next to the sump pit.

    I have a floor drain in the basement, but better safe than sorry. High water table here.

    I have a signature.
  • Same here, very high water table. A floor drain would not do me any good, and likely make things worse. The pump runs around every 10 minutes during rainy Spring seasons, and the water comes up. We now have a battery backup system because the power going out a couple times was very problematic. Since I'm on a well, a water powered unit I don't believe is possible. It's not a finished basement, apparently with good reason, but we have storage on several shelf units down there.

  • No grid power. No problem. They ran the house when the tornadoes went through a few weeks back. Enough battery backup to run the house full tilt for a day, with no sun. Building this system is where the 'speaker building' time has gone.

    jr@mactajanessilverDRon_ESteve_LeeSilver1omo6thplanetNicholas_23Tom_SEggguyand 2 others.
  • edited June 18

    @Steve_Lee said:
    So, does it use the municipal water intake/flow to the home as a power pumping energy souce like an induction pump?

    Yep, a pretty dead simple setup. Uses your house water pressure to blow a jet of water down the pipe. Creates a low pressure at the intake that draws the sump water through. It seems like a great option as long as you dont live in an area that pays their school district budget from water use fees.

    I have seen battery backup systems that have their own 12v pump. But they are complex setup by comparison and remembering to maintain a wet cell battery is a pretty futile effort in my experience. Long before I learned of the above pumps, I helped a friend of mine install one of these 12v setups in his home.. and the battery was toast by the time he actually had a power failure in a rainstorm. Money circling the drain as his basement carpet was saturating.

  • edited June 18

    Battery backup - I had 2 and was thinking of putting the plumber on retainer- ha

    Neighbors across the street went with a Generac, and although expensive- they said they’d happily pay 2x vs dealing with the basement flooding/ pulling carpet/ cleaning mess/ and loss of stuff.

    Fortunately now we live up on a hill and basement pipe out the back could just drain downhill

  • Heads up! Weather coming

  • We had a wine cellar in our old unit at Barwon Heads, Victoria: a seaside town near a major river outlet.

    Unfortunately, the unit was built during drought years and they didn't realise that Barwon Heads has a high water table in normal years - so of course it flooded when we got a decent rain season.

    The first cellar pump lasted exactly 40 minutes! Second was better; the water was pumped into the grey water system for toilets etc, which was a good way to reduce the water bill.


  • I check my battery unit regularly, and it plays alarms if something needs done. It's a Watchdog brand.

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