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  • @PWRRYD said:
    Just gotta say (not news to me) race fans are generally the best. Most always polite and gracious sort of folks. Walking around in super crowded areas everyones is like "Oops I'm sorry"... or "you go first..." I've been going to races for 30+ years so nothing surprising to me, but Jacob was totally taken back by how polite and friendly everyone was to us. The old guys sitting just behind us were wearing the competitor's shirts but were excited that it was Jacob's first Cup race so they were talking to him about his favorite driver and giving him high fives when the 48 passed another car. That was 100% cool! We've been to minor legue baseball games where the specators around us were total a holes...

    I noticed the same thing at our local track when shooting a commercial last year. I didn't run into a single cranky person.

  • Just more damping material . . .

  • Wood and tolex options for the amplifier boxes..

    One wrapped in the burgundy snakeskin...

    jr@mackenrhodesPWRRYDSteve_LeesilverDTom_S4thtryugly_wooferSilver1omojhollanderand 3 others.
  • Looks kinda like snake skin . . .

  • edited June 4

    The tan is the worst to do, really hard to doctor up any botched seams. I went by HD and had them scan a sample of the tolex. It ended up to dark. Luckily I didn't screw anything much😛

    ... only 7 more to go

  • edited June 4

    I haven't been to motor racing for years, the last time was to the Australian F1 Grand Prix at Albert Park back when Mark Webber was racing. Those fans were also polite and friendly, at least in our stand.

    However, some spectator areas at our Bathurst 1000 saloon race are to be avoided at all costs: the race is on Sunday, but starting Wednesday some people set up camp and start drinking enormous amounts of beer, so that by race day it's apparently pretty wild. Not even the Police go there...


  • They call that area "The Jungle" at the 12 hours of Sebring race.

  • I enjoy drag racing and dirt track racing - not much of a fan of roundy-round pavement racing, but stuff like road racing is pretty fun to watch.

    I have a signature.
  • Yep! Just got home and the rest of my family was in our pool.

  • Reed Timmer and the Dominator at the Cubby’s gas station in Tea SD.👀👀👀

  • @hifiside said:
    Reed Timmer and the Dominator at the Cubby’s gas station in Tea SD.👀👀👀


  • Ever since I hurt my knee I've enjoyed being able to walk. Went to the gym this morning for the first 10000 steps, rest is at work. Work keeps me active, for sure.

    I have a signature.
  • I always feel better when I get home after a day that I put in 7000 steps or so. The days that I sit in front of my computer programming PLC logic or HMI screens all day... not so much. You'd think I'd be raring to get home and mow the lawn or something else physical. Nope.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    I always feel better when I get home after a day that I put in 7000 steps or so. The days that I sit in front of my computer programming PLC logic or HMI screens all day... not so much. You'd think I'd be raring to get home and mow the lawn or something else physical. Nope.

    Same here

  • Yeah, driving a desk all day has never really been my style. I appreciate it sometimes, but generally speaking I'm happier moving around.

    I have a signature.
  • ...and amazing how exhausting sitting all day can be.

    I have a signature.
  • edited June 14

    I think I tend to get about 10,000 key strokes and 50 steps in per day.

  • My feet get sore after a day away from my desk but my back/shoulders/neck are way more relaxed. I probably should buy a much better chair for my desk at work.

  • I had a desk job once.

  • It lasted less then a week.

  • than or then, I will ask my wife. I think it should've used than. but then again.....

  • Yeah, I do work at a bench, but I'm always up getting product to work on, getting parts, getting supplies for the techs, taking finished units to Pack out, and working out in receiving. It's definitely nice to get to move around.

  • 10 k - 12k is a normal work day for me.

  • So fortunate to be at a small gathering of friends in Clark, CO, with Michael and Dawn Moon

  • edited June 15

    The advertising of which product(s) has the most BS content?

    • hi fi gear ('will make a staggering difference')
    • cars (Mercedes C-Class, 'It Changes Everything')
    • cosmetics ('may help to assist')
    • so called health foods ('may help to assist')




  • High end audio for sure.

    I have a signature.
  • There was some pretty sketchy marketing surrounding the martial arts in the 60s and 70s.

    I have a signature.
  • @GeoffMillar said:
    The advertising of which product(s) has the most BS content?

    • hi fi gear ('will make a staggering difference')
    • cars (Mercedes C-Class, 'It Changes Everything')
    • cosmetics ('may help to assist')
    • so called health foods ('may help to assist')




    According to my sister the MD, it's "male enhancement" boutiques, sometimes boldly referred to as "clinics".

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