I won’t be up and running till September sometime. We got my shop leased yesterday for 4 year which is a big weight off my shoulders. JR your CEO called me yesterday but he was a couple hours late.
I've been using PC's for over 40 years and don't recall ever buying a desktop machine for myself. This picture from the web is the first PC I built from a kit. Lots and lots of soldering.
You aren't kidding there. I pity anyone trying to do business with us.
Sehlin Sound Solutions
I think we generate more buisness than we do in person.
I certainly hope so
Some samples today.
Looking good. When will you be set up in your new space? I'll have to swing by.
I won’t be up and running till September sometime. We got my shop leased yesterday for 4 year which is a big weight off my shoulders. JR your CEO called me yesterday but he was a couple hours late.
Damn. That would be a very useful property for us.
Brad is the spray booth moving?
No. It’s staying.
so you won't be doing any more auto paint cabinets? or are you making a new spray booth?
I won’t be doing any for a while. It’s gonna take me months to put half of this crap away that I have or get rid of it.
Brad - no rush on filling my recent order, man - you have your hands full.
Well that turned into a disaster quick.
So much for down sizing
One day at a time.
That is a BIG difference from the previous pic, Brad!
Is that a VW hood I see in there?
Yes a VW hood.
I have an office again.!
It's getting there! What the long machine under the blue cover? larger format printer/plotter?
Since he does so much detailed paint work i bet it is a vinyl cutter for intricate masking.
Yes a vinyl machine.
What CPU Motherboard format are you running, Brad? I don't detect a big box connected to those 4 monitors . . .
My 12 yr old son built it for me for stock trading
InDIYana Event Website
I will never buy a completed one from a store ever again.
Yeah, I only build my own PCs. I do have a few nice laptops, though, and those are hard to DIY.
I agree - no pre-built desktop machines for me either. Building a new budget video editing PC right now.
I've been using PC's for over 40 years and don't recall ever buying a desktop machine for myself. This picture from the web is the first PC I built from a kit. Lots and lots of soldering.
256 KB RAM?