June 9-10, Sioux Falls, SD
I plan on securing the same venue I used in 2015 - absent that, there is a pretty nice room at AARP where Mrs. JR is employed. It should be somewhat competitive in the sound quality arena compared to the last venue, although I was pleasantly surprised at the acoustics of said venue - and the comfort level with the abundance of easy chairs and sofas was hard to argue. On the other hand, there is guest wifi at AARP.
As always at a MAC event - minimal rules will be in place. Don't be a dick, don't steal all the available time, everybody gets a chance to play, no competition, play the house track, have fun, feedback forms are available but not mandatory - if you want feedback I suggest you personally solicit it and hand out the feedback forms before playing your speakers.
We will have door prizes, and of course the lovely Mrs. JR will be on-hand as morale officer. She will also smack down anyone violating the rules.
No specific theme - but I do plan on exhibiting another build using vintage Ratshack drivers. Not sure what else I will have there - see what I can get done between now and then.
I will work with BK and JP to get the email/Facebook updates going.
See ya soon!
I have a signature.
I would have to see logistically. Maybe next year and I will ship a pair of speaks ahead of time so I can feel like I am useful.
Any airports nearby? Accomidations? Dakota seems more my speed vs. Iwoa or PE's shin-dig.
Not in the budget this year, but if I can plan foe next year starting now, ill get there. How far is Souix Falls away from you guys? Lodging affordable too?
modified drivers and dual transmission lines that I would like to bring (there, now that I said that, this will force me to get them done by June 1st)
And even if I did not have a speaker to bring, I would like to attend just for the food, the sound, and the great company!
It is very accessible to the venue, as well. Call by May 26th or we lose the rate. Sioux Falls fills up in a hurry, so call sooner than later.
Obviously, feel free to room elsewhere - but I told them I would fill five rooms no problem.
Why, did you book on UNITED???