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DakotaDIY 2017

edited August 2017 in DIY
June 9-10, Sioux Falls, SD

I plan on securing the same venue I used in 2015 - absent that, there is a pretty nice room at AARP where Mrs. JR is employed. It should be somewhat competitive in the sound quality arena compared to the last venue, although I was pleasantly surprised at the acoustics of said venue - and the comfort level with the abundance of easy chairs and sofas was hard to argue. On the other hand, there is guest wifi at AARP. 

As always at a MAC event - minimal rules will be in place. Don't be a dick, don't steal all the available time, everybody gets a chance to play, no competition, play the house track, have fun, feedback forms are available but not mandatory - if you want feedback I suggest you personally solicit it and hand out the feedback forms before playing your speakers. 

We will have door prizes, and of course the lovely Mrs. JR will be on-hand as morale officer. She will also smack down anyone violating the rules. 

No specific theme - but I do plan on exhibiting another build using vintage Ratshack drivers. Not sure what else I will have there - see what I can get done between now and then. 

I will work with BK and JP to get the email/Facebook updates going. 

See ya soon!
I have a signature.


  • One of these days i will make it out there. 
  • As of now, I plan to be there...
  • Someday... 

    I would have to see logistically. Maybe next year and I will ship a pair of speaks ahead of time so I can feel like I am useful. 

    Any airports nearby? Accomidations? Dakota seems more my speed vs. Iwoa or PE's shin-dig.
  • Not an international airport, but all major airlines fly direct to Sioux Falls. Love to have you. 
    I have a signature.
  • Thanks Johnny,
       Not in the budget this year, but if I can plan foe next year starting now, ill get there. How far is Souix Falls away from you guys? Lodging affordable too?
  • NM...its in Souix falls. Sorry. 
  • I need to check out air flights. ;)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Secured the 2015 venue this afternoon. 
    I have a signature.
  • Korean BBQ?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Mmmm food. Ya'll want me to manage lunch again?
    I have a signature.
  • What's that?
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • The wife can make bulgogi
    That's what they call it. :3
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • I think I will make the beans, and smoke some pork chops and chicken quarters. Nick, smoke up a pork butt, and we'll rock some sides. 
    I have a signature.
  • I'll be there and Curt said he's planning on attending.

  • I got a small mouth. ;)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • I am planning on being there.
  • Nick - figure on 1/2lb cooked pork per person, so two butts should be adequate. I will also be smoking some loin chops, and making a few side dishes. 
    I have a signature.
  • I plan on attending.
  • Me too! Dakota DIY is a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it.

  • JR's B-DAY party. B)  
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • I plan to be there with one pair.  I am building a new "high end" floor stander with
    modified drivers and dual transmission lines that I would like to bring (there, now that I said that, this will force me to get them done by June 1st) :) 

    And even if I did not have a speaker to bring, I  would like to attend just for the food, the sound, and the great company!  
  • Arranging a discount for a Ramada Inn at the moment - we will be getting a rate of $109 for double queen rooms. I am guaranteeing five rooms booked, and when you call tell them it is for Midwest Audio Club. It isn't much off their standard rate, but it is a bit of a discount. 

    It is very accessible to the venue, as well. Call by May 26th or we lose the rate. Sioux Falls fills up in a hurry, so call sooner than later.

    Obviously, feel free to room elsewhere - but I told them I would fill five rooms no problem. 

    I have a signature.
  • Thanks JR.
  • Will be getting the registration page up pretty soon.
    I have a signature.
  • edited April 2017
    I just booked my flight............ just saw my life flash before my eyes.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • I'm all set and can't wait for this to happen.  I'm almost ready to mount the drivers and run up some FRD and ZMA curves.
  • kennyk said:
    I just booked my flight............ just saw my life flash before my eyes.
    Saw that you officially registered.  Very much looking forward to this.
    My signature goes here
  • kennyk said:
    I just booked my flight............ just saw my life flash before my eyes.

    Why, did you book on UNITED??? 
  • ani_101 said:

    Why, did you book on UNITED??? Hmmmmmmm, maybe.  :s
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
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