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DakotaDIY 2017



  • ani_101 said:

    Why, did you book on UNITED??? 
    hehehehehe Kenny is taking the black eye flight.
    I have a signature.
  • Heard they don't take very kindly to personnel in the medical profession! Will be great to see you again Kenny. Are you bringing your nano entry?
  • If they want me off, I want the 11 grand that some lady got (as reported on TV). For that much I can get a limo door to door.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Sponsors are starting to pile on - going to be a lot of happy campers I am guessing :)
    I have a signature.
  • Awesome JR!  Thank you for doing all this for us.  Look forward to seeing everyone in about 4 weeks.
  • Bryan deserves a ton of thanks, as well as Mrs. JR - she is the one who really brings these things together by suffering my whims. She likes hugs, just sayin'
    I have a signature.
  • Jason does a ton of stuff behind the scenes, too - he also likes hugs.
    I have a signature.
  • Just a heads up - I think I like these all-MCM little 3-ways more than my Taiga. Hmmm...  Looking forward to ya'll impressions on them. 

    Geoff - if you are reading this, you should really talk your bosses into a plane ticket to Sioux Falls this June. I am sure we can find a bed for you to minimize costs.
    I have a signature.
  • I will have some goodies for swap meet table. 
    I have a signature.
  • I plan to bring a bunch of drivers to sell/swap.
  • Geoff is sending some sweet stuff your way, JR.  Now if I can just get Stereo Integrity to dump a couple 24" subs on our table, it will be fucking awesome.  Hey, I can dream.

    My signature goes here
  • PWRRYD said:
    I plan to bring a bunch of drivers to sell/swap.
    So dude, you are driving?  If I knew that, I'd beg you for a suicide seat. 

    My signature goes here
  • Yes driving again.  Last time it took 7-1/2 hours from my house.  I might leave after work Thursday afternoon and lay over at my sister in laws place in the twin cities, then leave there late morning Friday.  Depends what she and her family have going on.
  • My room is booked, vacation day approved, and I'm stoked.

  • Christmas in May...
    I have a signature.
  • Sweet ass sweet!
  • What did you get?
  • Door prizes. BK will probably be doing a reveal soon.
    I have a signature.
  • Gee! I thought they were birthday presents. ;)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Well, flight, room and even a rental car! Yup, I think I'm going.  B)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • As much as I want to blast the current donations, I cant.  We have several other sponsors and as always with MAC, we need to maintain our neutral playing field.  I know y'all understand.  

    My signature goes here
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Lord...that is beautiful

    My signature goes here
  • Makes me hungry!

  • kennyk
    I have a signature.
  • Man you're killing me.
  • I wish I was a better cook.  My wife and I do the basics, but nothing like that.
  • Looking good!!!
  • Nope. Too cold/rainy. Using the oven. 
    I have a signature.
  • Hey guys,

    DakotaDIY 2017 is just a few weeks away - so wanted to post at least one more update. 

    Sponsors are really taking care of this year - make sure you head over to Facebook (if that is your thing - it is an awesome communication platform) and like our pages and the pages of the sponsors:

    Here is an MP3 of the house track:

    I will have more information on the various tracks - but the first three were chosen to challenge and expose critical areas of loudspeakers such as panel resonance, sibilance and ultimately resolution. The last three were chosen by BK, JP, and myself as a personal inclusion while also offering a challenge to reproduction. 

    JP is currently working on the upload platform, BK is working hard on a lot of the behind the scenes stuff, as well. 

    As I mentioned elsewhere, the front end will be as follows:

    Windows 7 PC with no moving parts running into an Oppo BD-105d and out to the Theta Dreadnaught. The Oppo uses balanced outputs, but also has RCA style if we want to roll amps. 

    I look forward to seeing each of you very soon!

    I have a signature.
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