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InDIYana 2022; "Missing Link" theme announcement....



  • If I choose to join in this fun competition I will be building my xo's in a pair of matching cigar boxes. I did that before with my "Trials" project and those free boxes were quite nice to work with. They now charge $2 each for the cigar boxes...

  • Very cool, Craig!

    Heads up- I was able to find a case of 75x Wago lever-nuts on ebay for less than $20, and I think I will really like these! I'll likely build my xover with these, as it's temporary, but solid.

  • I've been using those Wago lever-nuts for about 10 years now and have never had a single issue with them. They are a great product and that sounds like a great price. 3 position?

  • Dang, never seen those nifty little buggers!

  • I'm excited to use them...

  • After multiple issues with stupid alligators, I switched to lever nuts some time ago an never looked back. They have surprising clamping force and don't have any potential for short circuits as you dangle them off your sketchy ball of wires and components.

    Alligators just don't have enough clamping force and often make poor surface contact. I've measured as much as 0.5 ohm drop from them, unreliable and inconsistent for circuits where 0.5 ohm makes a significant difference.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • I only used 'gators in prototyping, and never have I taken something to an event with one attached. Mine I made with the clips and soldered, never store-purchased units.

  • I'll bring one of my Wego lever nuts to Grand Rapids tomorrow for anyone interested to see/feel/play with.

  • FWIW, I'll have one of the 'Missing Links' present as well...

  • I just got a bunch of different level nuts recently and was excited to post something about them since I hadn't seen them before. Good to know I'm only about 10 years behind the curve.

  • The lever locking type are pretty good for crossover prototyping - over the years in making my living depending on these types of things, I wouldn't trust my life to them however.

    That being said - Wago is a great brand, and my go to for DIN rail mounted terminal blocks.

    I have a signature.
  • @a4eaudio said:
    I just got a bunch of different level nuts recently and was excited to post something about them since I hadn't seen them before. Good to know I'm only about 10 years behind the curve.

    No doubt! I feel the same way, not once did I notice anyone's protos with them. I started making a layout board for swapping in components with cheapy speaker connectors.

  • Yesterday, Mattsk8 hd a proto board made with Wago clips. I hope someone got a photo.

  • Alright, where the hell are the pictures?!?!

  • I didn't get my camera out, but others were taking photos. Bill was not there to do the usual wonderful job he does.

  • Anything! So disappointed I didn't make it.

  • Then I used 14 gauge romex to bridge them. Remove the romex bridge and add whatever components you need. That will do a 3 way.

  • I reached out to Matt and that is what he sent back.
    He added that 3rd order on the mids would be hard to do. And he would like to add daughter boards for filters.
    Great implementation. I might need to go steal his.

  • Dang, Zebrawood proto board! Spiffy👍🏻
    I definitely would have went with those if I hadn't bought a bunch of the spring terminal type already.

  • On the Blind-judging note...
    Some prior stated criteria will change for this, but only slightly. See below for proposed addendum.

    Okay, perusing through Wally World yielded a pack of 50x Great Value Self Standing Giant Lunch Bags, of the brown-paper variety, and inside measures 6.125" x 4" x 12.375". We will provide these.
    I feel these will suit us really easily. This means that xovers should adhere to a 6" x 10" platform to fit the bags, and with a height of 3" or less. If able to cut the 10" dimension down a bit, please do. I also would prefer that the connections be across the short end (6"), so that it is easier to hook them up, and fold them up when done for swapping. (Please keep sharp or pointy surfaces at a minimum to maintain xover anonymity as more pokes = more visible.) Previously stated 4-banana plugs for outputs, and 2 banana jacks for binding posts from the amp still apply here. I feel 12" for plug wires should be plenty, and make sure they are well marked. All speakers will be setup for toe-in, unless marked on the xover boards as such.

    A Sharpie for a lottery-drawn letter or number scheme atop the bags will be the MO, and for which entrants will not draw or know their own number. Only one person will have the code key to ensure entrants get their property returned. This way we eliminate the 'voting for a friend' scheme, as no one is the wiser. After the challenge voting concludes, xovers will be laid out for visual perusal.

    Coop has offered to do the checking of the xovers both by eye and a DATS sweep to verify operation and safety via an appropriate dummy load. (Again- the 100uF poly cap on the tweeters will remain. I have also done models now, and see that it does not reflect significant issues, but is enough to protect the tweeters should issues arise.)
    Nick has offered to be the 3rd party helping swap, as we will need 3 people to run the challenge portion. Chuck will run the remote and head to head brackets while Nick and I man a channel a piece.

    Upon figuring out the randomly-entered brackets, and how it will work, there will be a maximum number of entries applied to this challenge. Unfortunately, we cannot do this ad nauseum even as much as we'd like to.

    For the international entrants, should you want to enter a design, please contact Meniscus (Mark) for help in this endeavor. They have graciously offered to assemble a pair of boards for you. More details upon contacting them should you have that itch.

    More to come as it is arranged,

  • I like this alot.

  • Similar to the burning amp festival can we please try the burning bag challenge after the competition? I've got some nichrome wire that I need to use up.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Don't know what that is!?!?

  • Crank up the volume until my resistors catch the bag on fire. Lowest volume wins

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Uhm, no. We'd likely not be welcome back if we intentionally started a fire.

    I know that's a straight answer, and that you are being sarcastic.

  • Since these measurements were made with ARTA, would it be too much to ask for you to post the PIR files ?

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • I don't know what those are, but I can ask...

  • Please do, thanks.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
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