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  • Princess mononoke
    Porco Rosso
    Pulp fiction - all the Tarantino's soundtracks are outstanding.
    5th element
    Oldboy - the Korean OG, the vengeance trilogy is just great.

  • The Breakfast Club
    Raiders of the Lost Ark
    Blues Brothers
    Lost Boys
    American Graffiti

  • I'm not much of a movie buff, but I have to give Rob Reiner credit for making one the best family movies that still holds up today - The Princess Bride

  • Princess Bride
    Secondhand Lions
    Disney's The 3 Musketeers with Sheen, Sutherland, Platt, and O'Donnell.
    The Core
    The Rock
    Matrix series
    Independence Day
    Day After Tomorrow
    Riddick trilogy
    Reign of Fire
    Underworld series
    Indiana Jones series
    Back to the Future series
    Star Wars (original 9)
    Transformers both cartoon and Michael Baye versions
    The Hobbit and LoTR, both cartoon and Peter Jackson versions
    5th Element
    Minority Report
    How to Train You Dragon, all of them; movies, Netflix series, etc.
    Minions movies

  • Interesting that almost everyone nominated The Blues Brothers!

    At least in Melbourne, it was - unbelievably - a flop, but after a year or so it really took off, so much so that it was screened every Friday night at one of our 'cult' theatres for years. People would dress up as characters, bring chicken and toast etc, dance around to Shake a Tail-feather and sing along to Minnie the Moocher. Great fun.

    There were of course Blues Brothers parties, but one I particularly remember was in a pub in Ocean Grove and seeing about a dozen nuns all chugging down beers. Of course, it was a Blues Brothers party.


  • I love the Blues Brothers, but it didn't pop into my head. Another one that I didn't think about is The Big Lebowski! Alot of great ones on everyone's list. Glenn

  • Oh yeah, Back to the Future! All three were so entertaining.

  • Beerfest
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Of course all the Mel Brooks stuff

  • Good post re. favorite movies. I'll play. This list is not exhaustive, just what pops into my head as I write.

    Horror/suspense/supernatural/spooky/whatever genre:
    Dawn of the Dead, actually anything Romero but Dawn holds a special place in my heart
    Silence of the Lambs - Best Picture winner, enough said
    Psycho - absolutely classic
    Pretty much any of the Texas Chainsaw movies - even TCM2 which was stupidly funny
    The Descent - if you are claustrophobic stay the fuck away from this masterpiece
    The Ring - talk about a long, slow buildup to an iconic horror scene. Beautiful.
    The Grudge - one of the few movies I was ever frightened to the point of discomfort.
    Halloween - including Rob Zombies remake.
    House of 1000 Corpses - RZ pulled no punches in this nuts-on love letter to classic horror.
    One Hour Photo - good lord Robin Williams plays creepy just as well as he plays dramatic or funny.
    The Others - no way should a movie with a twist be this good. No way.

    Drama genre:
    Dead Poets Society - O Captain, my Captain
    What Dreams May Come - that movie is a painting come to life, I am easily swayed by visuals
    The World According to Garp - yes, continuining the Robin Williams theme with this one. Possibly my favorite novel turned into one of my favorite movies.
    Bigfish - again, visuals sway me, but this movie is a modern masterpiece and IMHO Burtons' finest work

    Comedy/Camp/Cheese (here is where I have zero shame lol)
    Tommy Boy
    Dumb and Dumber
    Grandmas Boy
    The Waterboy
    Pineapple Express
    Hangover 1, 2, and 3

    Too many to list, but everything Star Wars (not a movie but The Mandelorian is the 2nd greatest TV series of all time, right behind Sopranos) stands out, as does Indy, First Blood, and several other honorable mentions in a category I will gladly kill 90 minutes of my life spending time with.

    SciFi/Fantasy - not my favorite genre, but some gems exist
    District 9 - wow what a treat that movie is.
    Slaughterhouse 5 - possibly my favorite novel turned into one of my favorite movies.

    I'm tired of thinking about movies - time to go watch something lol.

    Oh, I do not have a favorite movie and only about 100 movies I forgot to list here. I have somewhere between 1200 and 1400 VHS/DVD/BD floating around. I lost count.

    I have a signature.
  • @DrewsBrews said:
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Of course all the Mel Brooks stuff

    Beerfest is one of my all time favorites - and I bet I have seen RHPS at least 100 times end to end. Always have fun with the audience participation component. We even had a RHPS themed halloween party one year. I was Dr. Frankenfurter, of course I had my 24 year old fighters body then. Mrs. JR was Janet Weiss.

    I have a signature.
  • edited July 2023

    Oah forgot Tank Girl... I mean comeon they got Ice-T to play a sentient mutated kangaroo creature back in '95. Can ya get any campier?

    Of course my mother would have listed off all the Clint Eastwood westerns, and old James Bond stuff.

  • The Blues Brothers FTW....Blues Brothers 2000...pass

  • I'd add a few more:
    Battle of Britain;
    The Italian Job (original, not the re-make);
    Rendezvous (a nine minute maniac ride through Paris in an extremely fast car, early morning); Paths of Glory; and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, how could I forget that one? (Kid: "I can't swim! Butch: "The fall will probably kill you")


  • OMG, Grandma's Boy is fucking hilarious!

  • @6thplanet said:
    OMG, Grandma's Boy is fucking hilarious!

    Karate monkey!

  • I also liked Dumb and Dumber, Dodgeball, See Spot Run, Flushed Away, Lego Movie (et al), Jurassic Park and World.
    I really liked the Rings trilogy and both Grudges. If you've only seen the initial ones, you are missing out.
    Saw, I've seen through 6 or 7? Those are something primal, and strikes a cord for many people. (In the first one, Cary Elwes saws his leg off, and he also said "As you wish" in Princess Bride. Great actor!)

    I love sci-fi! Stargate, Star Trek, Star Wars, Alf, Andromeda, Firefly, Sliders, Flight of the Navigator, Short Circuit, Armageddon, Core, Total Recall, etc...

    What don't you like? I pretty much do not like Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller (Dodgeball, Elf, and Night at the Museum being exceptions). I'm surprised none have mentioned Step Brothers as a great movie, as I usually hear that one. Not a fan.

  • So you said you liked Dodgeball, then you didn't?
    Big fan of Will Ferrell and crew, Step Brothers and Old School are great.

  • I loved Step Brothers too! A bass player buddy of mine was down in the studio, waiting for rehearsal to start, and I ran up the stairs to use the pisser...I get back down and am sitting behind my drums, when a text comes in to it was a picture of his balls on my floor tom that he took while I was upstairs! I started laughing like a hyena and he did too, while the singer and guitarist, who don't have the greatest sense of humor were just looking at us like we had lost our minds. When I showed them the picture, the guitarist scowled and said that we were like three year olds. Yep! Sometimes! Glenn.

  • edited July 2023

    It was all going so well. I was trying to keep things positive.

    Notice I didn't make much of a list.. There would be more, but I'd have to think pretty far back. IMO 99% of the stuff that has come out in the last 10-15 years is pure garbage (mostly because of awful writing). There, I said it. I don't want to dwell on it. Shifting gears.

    I was never much of a fan of Will Farrell either until more recently. I even really didn't care for Step Brothers the first time I watched it. Then I saw Stranger Than Fiction.. He can act more seriously if he wants to. Now I see his comedy as less obnoxiously stupid goofy, and think of it as them constantly trying to get each other (and/or the film crew) to break. Or, less about the face value of the final product. More about the magic of what happened on set at that moment (Like: Who's Line Is It Anyway). Which brings a whole new dimension for me.

    I have cautious optimism for Oppenheimer.

  • A few more fantastic comedies:

    Pure Luck (Martin Short and Danny Glover)
    Mystery Men (Ben Stiller)
    Stripes (Bill Murray)
    Trains, Plains and Automobiles
    Uncle Buck
    Blazing Saddles
    Trading Places
    Fast Times at Ridgemount High

    Action comedies:
    48 Hours
    Beverly Hills Cop
    Die Hard

  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    High Fidelity
    District 9
    A Fish Called Wanda
    Galaxy Quest
    Dune (the new one)
    Animal House
    Master and Commander (great surround sound with the ship creaking all around you)
    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Everything Everywhere All at Once
    The Whale
    12 Mighty Orphans

  • Eric, I said I don't usually like those actors, and that I liked Dodgeball as an exception. Stiller as a villain made me want to punch his face, so the annoyance was justified. (I feel that way about Stanley Tucci in the Core too.) Vince in Dodgeball was a more minimal role, IMO, so that was good. The rest of the cast and writing made the movie.
    I'm likely a minority, but I did not like Pulp Fiction (not a Tarantino fan) or Fargo, and they got raves.
    District 9 was a fresh and very different look at that genre, and l liked it. The new Dune was fantastic, but I liked one of the older versions too.
    Who doesn't like Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail? That was pretty tame. There is other stuff they did that was more risqué like the Meaning of Life and some of the Flying Circus. Fawlty Towers was hilarious!

    What is your favorite Color?

  • Okay, I was serious so I'll go first...
    I have 2; royal/cobalt blue and neon green

  • Black is my favorite color (or lack thereof), but if I had to choose a non-black color as my favorite I would go with classic Chevy orange. I am color blind otherwise.

    I have a signature.
  • I dated a blonde for while... her favorite color was clear! Bada-bum-tizzz

  • @Wolf said:

    Who doesn't like Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail?

    What is your favorite Color?

    I thought your question related to this film, when Sir Lancelot has to answer this question correctly or be thrown into the pit of eternal doom: "red, no: blue - AARGGHH!"

    I once had an argument over whether white or black were colours, or shades but with no agreement. Black would be my favourite as it's the colour of most speaker drivers!


  • It was, as well as a query.

  • I like green. I like white, too, especially on cars.

  •'s the color of my soul. Sky blue is my favorite, especially when the sun is bright, and I also am drawn to certain orange hues. I tend to like autumn tones. Yellow is a big pass, except for the right submarine. Glenn.

  • I like the fact that I can still see . . .

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