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  • I haven't, don't think I've ever seen it in a store out here either, but I'll keep an eye out.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Nothing new or exotic here, just a cautionary tale. After a few grueling hours of high humidity yard work, I really enjoyed a couple of these along with a few mils of imported candy. Enjoyed, that is, until my wife found me seated on the living room floor facing nothing in particular. I remember feeling a little light-headed and then...voodooed. REMEMBER TO STAY HYDRATED, PEOPLE!

  • I got food poising from a SubWay seafood and crab sammich. Needless to say, two days later I went to a local clinic where I, as the Doc put it, "You fall like tree. You fall like tree." then he proceeded to show me with signage how I fell. Bit clean through my lip upon landing. Took seven stitches to sew it back together.
    Anyhow, watch out for SubWay's seafood and crab cause it will make you dehydrated in a not so pleasant manner.

    Every summer we have people hit the deck at work because of the heat and dehydration. That $hit can be serious!

  • I hate the smell whenever I have to walk into a "Slobway". I'll gladly pay a buck or three more to get a better sandwich from a local non-chain joint. I've never actually gotten sick from Subway food, but I'm not surprised.

  • edited May 2021

    Understandably, seafood can go bad, but boy got a turkey and something or another, and both of us got sick. It cost me three days in the hospital with an iv sticking in my arm, Dr. & hospital bills, and time off work. Luckily, dad didn't eat the sammich we got for him.
    Took me seven years to work up enough courage to eat at SubWay again.
    I have never had inside stuff so forcefully make its way to the outside.
    But yeah, dehydration can get serious real quick.
    Forgot who turn2 is ... When I quit all salt in the diet but kept pushing myself riding motox in the hot summer, bad things happened, so I gotta ask if you might be on a salt reduced diet?

  • "imported candy"... Hmmm....

    I have a signature.

  • Brewery I learned to respect on my visit to GR a couple years ago.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    "imported candy"... Hmmm....

    For arthritis, ya know. B)

  • @Turn2 said:

    For arthritis, ya know. B)

    I have a similar affliction that requires similar treatment.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:

    I have a similar affliction that requires similar treatment.

    Hope that knee is as pain-free as can be expected.

  • @Turn2 said:

    Hope that knee is as pain-free as can be expected.

    It comes and goes, to be honest. Currently I am in a good cycle. A few weeks ago it was unbearable. I have had two incidents like that since surgery. Both times, it comes out better than before the incident. The ortho suspects I am still tearing scar tissue loose. Kind of a shitty deal overall, but life is what it is and here we are.

    I have a signature.
  • My "go to" Islay.

    I have a signature.
  • I like Bowmore. I have a bottle of the "bourbon cask" that I can't convince myself to finish because I've never seen another bottle and am convinced it doesn't exist anymore. If you see a bottle of the bourbon cask definitely pick it up, it's great stuff.

    Recently I purchased this bottle of Speyside. It's soft and sweet but very enjoyable. Actually reminded me a bit of some craft whisky from Vancouver "Odd Society".

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Bowmore 15 is my to go - just the right amount of peat. @dcibel I will keep an eye out for the bourbon cask in my travels👍

  • Pre-gaming in garage with a couple cool tweeters, a Michigan original, and a pretty lady. Up next: heading downstairs to the best bar in town!

    I have a signature.
  • Oh man, this stuff is flavour country! 48%, double oaked rye.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Got this as a house warming present from a good friend =)

  • I always thought that I liked smoky, peaty scotch, but have recently discovered that I like smooth, smooth, smooth scotch much better Bushmills Red is super smooth, but I like Auchentoshan 12 better. A very good value at $50 a fifth.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Well, Bushmills is Irish to be clear ;)

    You’d probably like the Glenrothes I had a page or two back, it’s nothing fancy but definitely smooth. I have a hard time differentiating “smooth” and “mild” so I tend to prefer something with a bit more punch, just a bit higher ABV 43-48% usually does it.

    Anyway, I kept hearing about Mr. Black on the internet, but can’t get this stuff in Canada so I picked up a craft variety... Sheringham coffee liqueur... nice by itself as a desert drink since it’s full of sugar, sure I can find some creative uses for it as well ;)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • @dcibel said:
    Well, Bushmills is Irish to be clear ;)

    You’d probably like the Glenrothes I had a page or two back, it’s nothing fancy but definitely smooth. I have a hard time differentiating “smooth” and “mild” so I tend to prefer something with a bit more punch, just a bit higher ABV 43-48% usually does it.

    Anyway, I kept hearing about Mr. Black on the internet, but can’t get this stuff in Canada so I picked up a craft variety... Sheringham coffee liqueur... nice by itself as a desert drink since it’s full of sugar, sure I can find some creative uses for it as well ;)

    A coffee martini perhaps? 😀 yummy!

  • Yeah, bought some more Red Bushmills tonight. A friend said that it was so smooth she couldn't taste it!
    My local store does not stock Auchentoshan 12, which is quickly becoming my favorite. Think I like it even
    better than the Glemorangie 12, which costs twice as much.
    I'll check out that Glenrothe,

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • edited July 2021

    The Glenrothes is a bit more on the cheaper side than what you're buying but you still may like it. Dont be afraid to get be Japanese whisky a try either (if you haven't yet), it may surprise you :)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • @squamishdroc said:

    A coffee martini perhaps? 😀 yummy!

    I can do that :) Creme de cacao or no?

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • 'Tis the season... I've been put off by a lot of recent craft IPA, too many sweet tropical flavours. IPA should be hop forward and leaning towards bitter flavours in my opinion.

    This one is rather unique. Not a normal IPA, and fairly malt and yeast forward flavours like a Belgian style beer. Very enjoyable if you're into that sort of thing, Still rather sweet, but not overly so.

    Pairs well with my recent art acquisition :)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • The Wisconsin guys may scoff at this but... The Mrs. and I just spent a week in 'sconsin and enjoyed the laid back fall atmosphere immensely. Of course, New Glarus' Spotted Cow has near cult status in Iowa, so I made sure to pick some up while there, as well as sample a couple other offerings. All these are highly drinkable and the Moon Man was my early fave. However, after my first Belgian Red I have to say that I'd load up on that whenever we go back again. Cherry beer may not be for everyone, but I'd grab it in a heartbeat. Thank you cheeseheads!

  • Had a six pack of Sam Adams cherry wheat in the frig over a year. Nobody wanted more than one.

  • Spotted Cow rules! The brewery is less than an hour from here so it's easy to find in the stores if I happen to cross into cheese head country :p

    I love almost anything cherry flavored except for beer :#

  • @PWRRYD said:
    Spotted Cow rules! The brewery is less than an hour from here so it's easy to find in the stores if I happen to cross into cheese head country :p

    I love almost anything cherry flavored except for beer :#

    The only reason I picked it up is the great ratings it gets on online beer forums. If you poured someone a glass blind they might think wine before beer. Of course, wine isn't everyone's go-to either. It's a winner for me. And Spotted Cow rocks too.

  • Boy, y'all are right about those new fruit flavored "beers". I like Michelob Ultra (trying to lose weight) and they have sampler 12 packs. Surprised, the pineapple isn't bad, but they had cucumber-lime that tasted like antifreeze. Poured those out!
    A new favorite this summer is Creature Comforts Tropicalia - just a hint of fruit, very clean and refreshing on hot summer days.

    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
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